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Rupee Quay Bandir

Part of the Uen Imperial Protectorate

The home system of the UIP, containing their origin world.

The main habitable planet is Rupee Quay (often called Rupee, or in Terran texts Rupe) -
Arid/Desert world. Population 4 Bn.

The origin world of Rupeean civilisation, recovering from decades of political collapse and making its bid to become one of the cosmopolitan and political centres of the Trailward Stars.

a slow rotation speed for a conventionally habitable world, (approx 80 terran standard hours), resulting in a week consisting of 8 sleeps across two "days". Rupeeans tend to take a siesta at noon and midnight, falling into the natural rhythm of a 6/2 working week that varies with longitude. Space stations and similar communities within the recovering rupeean sphere of influence keep to this measure of timekeeping but tend to standardise the workweek to that of the Aeisi Spire Observatory at 0.000 longitude.

Ancient Rupeean society was dominated by Clans, national identities loosely aligned with ethnic and tribal confederation. Today Rupeeans still carry a second surname designating their clan affiliation, and with the Imperial Protectorate's reforms most regional administration has been delivered to either a clanless "Crown" or a federation of Clans working in concert. Greater Clans dominate the political landscape, while their minor counterparts own less territory, and sometimes are little more than issuers of passports. Modern Clans are governments in every meaningful sense and any traditional ethnic association has melted away under competing population pressures, independent but maintaining a common union under the crown's guidance.

Among and between the Clans are the Landship Guilds that dominate trade, transit and heavy industry in small cartels of their own, and recent legislation has granted the greater of these equal authority to Clans. Insular and protective of their engineering secrets, landship guilds tend to sprawl between clan borders, into orbit, through interstellar trade routes and maintain trading houses between systems. If a Rupeean starship is seen not in the tan and gold livery of the Crown's navy, it will be bearing the sigil of one or other of the landship guilds.

The greater Clans planetside are Kasiaan, Ciitlia, Traadia, Caliia, Echiian, Kiisia, Aeisi, Leen, Epaai, Posaan, Uen, and Siisaa. Other Clans may not be great powers planetside but remain powerful in orbit or out in the system proper - these include Beeton, Piiran, Maabiaan, Kuraas and Olaanti. While the emperor also governs Uen, he has been scrupulous in seperating powers between Clan and Imperial houses, choosing to only wear one cloak at a time in order to maintain the trust of his peers.

Major population centres are usually limited to the stable, habitable and cooler poles of rupeean space, deemed most suitable for temperate-adapted species, and where agricultural industries are pursued with an almost religious blend of care and fervour. Closer to the effectively uninhabitable tropics population density falls off dramatically and extractive or high-intensity industries become more common, creating a broad band of quiet isolated towns encased in rocky savannah or veldt which contribute a surprisingly large proportion of Rupee Quay's total population. Inside the tropics are exclusively Duner and Deep Duner communities who endure the unimaginably dangerous dune oceans and near-boiling coastlines.

Industry on Rupee Quay is still recovering from the anarchic Cartel Era and tends to serve general goods for the planet's requirements. Major exports that continue are cavorite dusts and wafers for paragravity manipulation, gravitic and gravimetric infrastructure, landship and transatmospheric starship construction, and refrigeration and advanced heat management systems. Rupeeans trade frfeely with their allies, especially the Sestians and Commonwealth, providing a steady market for Rupee Quay's signature goods.
Solar System
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Inhabiting Species


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