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Kunari City HoloRail System

Private transporation is expensive - and Kunari's streets are busy; thus, many people utilize the cheaper yet more uncomfortable alternative that is the Kunari City HoloRail System (or KCHRS). The KCHRS was constructed along with Kunari City's initial infrastructure in the early years of the 21st century. Once immigration opened in 2013, the rail system, which connected to the Juwon Intracontinential Railway, was the only way to cross Juwon and reach Kunari City. The KCHRS was, also, still owned and operated by BrighTECH, the Juwonese transporation firm that designed and operated the Intracontinental Railway. At first, HoloRail lines only ran through downtown Kunari City on what is now considered the Blue Line of the KCHRS; however, the Green Line was soon constructed to deal with the northern expansion of Kunari's population.   When Kunari's city limits expanded in 2028, the rail system was, once again, restructured to account for the new districts under Kunari's metropolitan supervision. This meant the construction of the Purple, Orange, and Cyan Lines. In 2029, the ownership and operating rights of the KCHRS were acquired by the KCMA in a multi-million GEC deal. Many were optimistic as a result of the transaction, believing the KCMA's government to understand and value the needs of the people more than a foreign corporation. However, separate platforms revolving around potential independence and trade regulations led to the KCMA's transportation authority lacking any real funding to improve the KCHRS. Instead, the rail system failed to keep up with Kunari City's rising population and shifting hearths of industry and commercialism, leaving many disgruntled.   Shortly after Kunari City declared independence from Juwon, the KCHRS received improved funding and drafted a plan to expand rail infrastructure into the newly-acquired districts of Minatama City, Sei Horokonai, and Rosegrove. This led to the expansion of the Cyan Line and the creation of the Red and Yellow Lines - the last new rail lines to be opened in Kunari City. In 2062, the KCHRS was sold to Lipman Logistics, a transportation company based in Kunari City. While still regulated by the KCMA's transport authority, funding and construction is entirely handled within the corporation. Nearly fourty years later, and the same rail lines, ableit heavily refurbished, still operate across Kunari City and its metropolitan tributaries. Multiple new stops have been added in those years, though there are still many neighborhoods in Kunari City that lack proper access to public transport. The industrial sector of Sei Horokonai, for example, lacks any rail infrastructure and, instead, relies on overcrowded bus routes.


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