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The Kunari City HoloRail System Opens

Construction beginning/end


Private transportation is expensive - and Kunari's streets are busy; thus, many people utilize the cheaper yet more uncomfortable alternative that is the Kunari City HoloRail System (or KCHRS). The KCHRS was constructed along with Kunari City's initial infrastructure in the early years of the 21st century. Once immigration opened in 2013, the rail system, which connected to the Juwon Intracontinential Railway, was the only way to cross Juwon and reach Kunari City. The KCHRS was, also, still owned and operated by BrighTECH, the Juwonese transportation firm that designed and operated the Intracontinental Railway. At first, HoloRail lines only ran through downtown Kunari City on what is now considered the Blue Line of the KCHRS; however, the Green Line was soon constructed to deal with the northern expansion of Kunari's population.