
Downtown is a sub-district of City Center in Night City.


Downtown is another one of Night City 's newer districts, built from scratch after the Nuke Incident. The history of the old Downtown vanished with the blast wave. Now the massive new office and apartment buildings, corporate hotels, and restaurants emanate a unique posh vibe. During the night the wide streets are well-lit and buzzing, filled with people and traffic. Neon signs are everywhere, advertising all kinds of pubs, bars, strip clubs, fast food joints and "one night" hotels. Being an upper-tier district, Downtown is also the social heart of Night City.

Like the rest of Night City, Downtown has a second face that's hidden during the day and seen only by night. It has dark alleys, shadowy spots, and sleazy hotels where drug deals go down and black braindance is produced. These are the places gangers from other districts come to have their own kind of fun, and some of them even work as bouncers and bodyguards.
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