Militech Organization in Cyberpunk Red | World Anvil
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One of the major players in the 4th Corporate War, MTI fought rival, Arasaka Corp to a bloody standstill that ended only when the Megacorp was ordered to stand down by the President of the remnant United States. This didn't set well with Militech's hotheaded and proud CEO, Gen. Donald Lundee, an ex-Marine who took his war with the renegade Japanese security Corporation very personally. Currently, even as it labors under controls from Washington D.C. as a nationalized Corporate asset of the New United States, MTI is secretly rebuilding back to its former role as a combination of arms merchant and mercenary army. Even though greatly reduced by wartime losses, MTI is still the world's largest producer and seller of all manner of military weapons. From revolvers to tanks to jet fighters, MTI is a major military supplier to the re-uniting New United States. The New United States, in turn, is MTI's largest customer. But MTI will deal worldwide with anyone who has money, and its mercenary forces and in-house weaponry still make it the most militarily powerful company in the world, if not economically.   Discussion of Militech can't be complete without talking about its primary leader during the 4th Corporate War. General Donald Lundee retired from the USMC as the Collapse was just beginning, helping to reorganize Armatech/Luccessi into the Militech Arms company. Since then, he remains CEO and one of the most, if not the most, influential persons on the Board of Directors. Although he doesn't own enough stock to control the Corporation, his force of personality, allies, and success record have kept him on top despite internal struggles. Lundee is also half of the equation that culminated in the 4th Corporate War. Over the years, he'd set himself and Militech up against Arasaka so often and for so long that he became personally involved, making it a matter of pride to defeat the Japanese and their attempt to take over the global arms market (because he already intended to do so). Not an easy man to get along with, his closest confidant is his second-in-command, ex-Marine Corps General Samantha Lee Young. Possessed of a fiery temper, Lundee's made more enemies than friends. And it's that same temper and arrogance that resulted in a dogged determination to see the war through to the bitter end, only brought to heel by President Kress' reactivation of his commission, and her command to cease hostilities.   Lundee's convinced that he was a good general—in truth, he's not bad—and that if Kress hadn't interfered, he would have won his war. Even though his mercurial temper and impulsiveness resulted in some defeats for Militech (like the opening assault on the Osaka Arms Works) and plenty of headaches for his top soldiers, he's still capable of mustering the troops and putting an enemy to the sword if need be.
Corporation, Manufacturing

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