Kaden "86" Wolfe Character in Cyberpunk RED: Cradle of Innocence | World Anvil

Kaden "86" Wolfe


Kitagawa "Usagi-chan" Akira

Friend (Important)

Towards Kaden "86" Wolfe



Kaden "86" Wolfe

Friend (Important)

Towards Kitagawa "Usagi-chan" Akira




Akira-chan met Kaden as he was chosen as the one who would handle her transportation by her manager at the time. She was initially fearful of the Nomad who was dressed as if he was straight out of Mad Max. Many times, Kaden got her out of dodgy situations with corpos or local gangs with his driving skills. They soon realized that they were getting along quite well and started seeing each other outside of work.   Even after Akira-chan started working for herself and got rid of her manager, Kaden stuck with her through thick and thin. He still drives her around the city when she needs to and she takes care of choosing clothes for him (Mad Max is not the style you want to go for when going out in the nicer sides of Night City, after all).

Nicknames & Petnames

Akira sometimes call him "Yamagata" and Kaden calls her "Kaneda" when they want to joke around. A reference to the manga "Akira" and the friendship between the bikers Kaneda and Yamagata.

Nomad that decided to try his luck in Night City some years back. Known for his skills behind the wheel and for his small car repair shop.

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