"Handsome" Brant Reks

  Raised in a mundane space colony, Brant's childhood was overshadowed by a deep yearning for adventure. This longing led him to secretly stow away on a spelljammer at a young age. The crew, upon discovering him, recognized his potential and allowed him to stay, marking the beginning of his unplanned journey into piracy.  

  Brant gradually uncovered the true nature of the crew's operations aboard the ship "Nebula's Whisper", which were entangled with a larger criminal organization called "The Void Corsairs", known for smuggling. Their guise as a mere merchant vessel concealed their illicit activities, including bouts of traditional piracy. Brant thrived in this environment, honing his skills in combat and swashbuckling.  

  Earning the trust and respect of his peers and of the ship's captain, Zara Solstrider, Brant ascended to the role of first mate. He cherished his crew, dedicating himself to their well-being and resolving their troubles. However, fate had a cruel twist in store. Brant's crew was given a job to voyage through the Astral Sea to find a rumored dead god named Aoskar.  

  As Brant's crew travelled deep into the Astral Sea seeking the corpse of the forgotten God, Brant left the crew briefly on a dingy to survey the coordinates provided by the client. As he returned to the ship, a mysterious, tentacled force from beyond space and time obliterated the Nebula's Whisper, leaving Brant as the sole survivor.  

  In the bizarre Expanse of the Astral Sea, where air and time were nonfactors, Brant spent decades adrift, navigating the void with sheer willpower. Upon his return to wildspace he discovered that time had marched on without him. His former comrades were either long gone or aged beyond recognition, and the Void Corsairs had undergone significant changes.   Initially welcomed back, Brant's tale of survival soon stirred superstitious fear among the pirates. Ostracized for supposedly harboring a curse, he found himself expelled from the organization. His subsequent attempts at independent ventures consistently ended in failure, fueling his suspicion that he might indeed be cursed.   Haunted by the abrupt loss of his crew and the isolating years in the Astral Sea, Brant developed a nihilistic outlook on life. He adopted a self-centered philosophy, masking his enduring yearning for a new familial bond and his instinct to protect those around him. Despite his hardened exterior, Brant's deep-seated desire for connection and his innate protective nature remain at the core of his being, shaping his journey forward.


"Handsome" Brant Reks

Firstmate (Vital)

Towards Zara Solstrider



Zara Solstrider

Captain (Important)

Towards "Handsome" Brant Reks





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