Thorn Marrowbane

Thorn Marrowbane

Appearance: Thorn is a tiefling with deep navy blue skin, marked by faint, glowing sigils that whisper of her infernal heritage. Her eyes are a striking silver, piercing through the dim light of the bar. Her horns twist elaborately, adorned with a collection of ancient coins and small, enchanted trinkets from across the planes. She keeps her jet-black hair tied back in a loose braid, allowing her to move with ease around the bar. Wearing a mix of leather and cloth, her attire is both practical and adorned with elements that hint at her past adventures.   Personality: Thorn is as enigmatic as she is charming, with a sharp wit and a ready laugh. She has a knack for remembering her patrons' favorite drinks and stories, making everyone feel seen and heard. However, beneath her affable exterior lies a keen mind for business and an unyielding spirit. She's fiercely loyal to her regulars and has a soft spot for lost souls who wander into her bar.   Backstory: Once a navigator for a notorious band of planar pirates, Thorn found her way to Sigil after a tumultuous series of adventures left her seeking a quieter life. Or as quiet as it can get in the City of Doors. Using her share of the plunder, she established The Siren's Cove, a haven for travelers, rogues, and anyone in between looking for a drink and a story.

Thorn is as enigmatic as she is charming, with a sharp wit and a ready laugh. She has a knack for remembering her patrons' favorite drinks and stories, making everyone feel seen and heard.

Current Location
Sigil, The Siren's Cove
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