Faeryl (Fay-Ril)

Faeryl had always been a precocious child who had a natural proclivity towards alchemy. Growing up as a street child in the city of Sigil, she had used her skills to earn small amounts of money for food by creating unique potions for the denizens of the Hive. Sleeping in the Undercity, she had grown accustomed to protecting herself against the attacks of cranium rats and ill-intentioned cakers. Unfortunately, because of her lack of resources or support, she often had early run-ins with the Harmonium and frequently found herself on the wrong end of the Fraternity of Order. As she grew older, word spread of her skill with art of alchemy amongst the city’s elite. Faeryl watched from afar like the rest of the city as the power of The Fated evolved into Evogene and spread like a virus in the city.   Eventually, Faeryl’s fate finally took a turn for the better when the Fated factol took notice of her and invited her to work in an Evogene lab, developing a potion with the ability to transform a mutated spider creature back into its original self.   Unfortunately, her luck quickly ran out when one day as she was leaving the lab to return home, she bumped into a strange air genasi. With the help of a disguise self spell, the air genasi stole Faeryl’s appearance, murdering her coworker in cold blood.   Because Faeryl's face was the easiest to recognize on all of the footage, she was quickly blamed for the crime and sent to prison. Due to her previous run-ins with the law, the Fraternity of Order brushed away her cries of innocence, sending her off to the Mercykillers.   Having escaped from Sigil Prison, she now faces the terrifying prospect of figuring out how to escape the city of Sigil, commonly known as The Cage. After being approached by someone from The Dusters and offered a job, she is able to leave the city hopefully once-and-for-all. But where will she go next?
Current Status
On a Job to steal some things for The Dusters


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