
Sigil, City of Doors



City of Doors, The Cage, City of Secrets  


A floating city in the center of the Outlands. Self-proclaimed center of the multiverse. A major hub for interplanar travel, the city contains multiple portals to every single plane, as well as to numerous locations in the Prime Material Plane. The city exists on the inside walls of a donut shape floating above a tall spire in the center of the outer planes.   The only way in or out of the city is via one of its numerous portals. Any bounded opening (a doorway, an arch, a barrel hoop, a picture frame) could possibly be a portal to another plane, or to another point in Sigil itself. In addition, portals could be permanent or temporary, linking to fixed or shifting locations. Thus, the city touches all planes simultaneously, yet ultimately belongs to none. Those characteristics warranted Sigil the other names it was known for: it is called "the City of Doors" for the sheer number of portals but is also called "the Cage" for the difficulty of entering or exiting the city.   The ruler of Sigil is the mysterious Lady of Pain, who reigns from her seat of power known as the Throne of Blades. Her power controls all the portals in the city and prevents all deities and archfiends from entering it. The Lady does not otherwise concern herself with ruling the city directly; she typically only interferes when something threatens the stability of Sigil itself or crosses one of her few but unforgiving edicts, which amount to keeping the peace and refraining from the worship of her. The Lady was an entity of mysterious motives, but she was known for being swift and merciless when dealing with threats to her and to the City of Doors. Those who cross her, even accidentally, risk being flayed to death or teleported to extradimensional labyrinths known as the Lady's Mazes, never to be seen again.   Although the Lady of Pain does not act directly in the everyday management of Sigil, her will is enforced through a number of servants known as dabus, who simultaneously serve as the Lady's eyes and ears as well as keepers of the structure of Sigil. Like the Lady, the dabus did not interact much with Sigil's inhabitants or travelers. It is considered wise to leave the dabus be, since antagonizing them incurs the risk of bringing down the infrequent but harsh wrath of their mistress.  

Important current social information:

  During your stay in Sigil, you would have noticed that the city is covered in advertisements for an organization called Evogene. The organization seems to be buying up more and more businesses in the city every day. Plastered on the walls of the city are advertisements for the organization that say “Evogene: Building a better tomorrow, today!”. You know that they work with genetic augmentation technology, among other things.   Because the city exists inside of a donut, there is no source of natural light. Because of this, the city is in a near-constant state of darkness and is primarily lit by neon lights.   The city has every type of person or creature from everywhere in the multiverse, as well as products and food from everywhere in the multiverse. It is divided up into 6 wards.  

The Lady's Ward

The richest and most exclusive section of the city, home to the elites of society and its government.    

Market Ward

The main location for purchasing goods and services. It is famous for offering items from numerous planes and worlds.  

Guildhall Ward

Usually counted as part of the Market Ward. Home to the traders, craftsmen, artisans, guild members and other members of the middle class.  

Clerk's Ward

An affluent district, home to most of the city's lower-rung bureaucrats and middlemen.  

Hive Ward

The most dangerous part of the city, home to the poor, the rogues, and the unwanted dregs of the city.  

Lower Ward

An industrial district, clogged up with the smoke from the foundries and from the portals to the Lower Planes.  


The population of Sigil speaks in a characteristic slang known as the cant that often confuses newcomers. They tend to hold inhabitants of the Material Plane in contempt, referring to them as "Clueless", "Outsiders", or, more politely, "primes". Despite their banter, Cagers―and planars in general―hold a cautious respect for primes, since they acknowledge that a certain amount of power is necessary to reach Sigil from the Material Plane.

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