Deunan Knute

Name: Deunan Knute
Aliases: DK, Deu Kaisan, Remi Fahy
Birth: Jun 8th 1996
Height: 5'2"
Occupation: Freelance Technician
SIN Status: None
Criminal Record: None
Employment: Unknown
Known Cybernetics:
Neural Processor with accessories
Cyberaudio with accessories
Believe some additional non-visible implants and bioware.
Former Residents:
Boston, MA - Jun 1996 - Aug 2019
Night City, NorCal - Aug 2019 - Jun 2021
Current: Unknown
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Brother, Kohen Knute - Boston MA
Known Associates within Night City:
Jax Attax - Solo; Deceased;
Jo-Jon - Solo: Deceased
; Skit Score - Solo: Deceased;
Wraith - Solo; Deceased;
Saskia H - Netrunner: Deceased;
Led-Bait - Nomad: Deceased;
Api Flux - Excop: Deceased;
Papa Doc -Night City: Trauma Team medic;
Silent Su - Unknown: Fixer;
Deunan Knute was originally from Boston. She, with a team of others, was contracted to follow and capture a group of operatives that fled from BMS Surgical to Night City. This situation became unattainable as most of her team, as well as new recruits, die during the apprehension/elimination of Team Alpha. She was able to kill Dango. This was after Dango killed or severely wounded the rest of her team. She was also able to kill Mars while she was hiding out at Papa Doc's place. It was at this time that she fled Night City never to continue her original mission to find the rest of Team Alpha and the Rogue AI.

A techie from the east coast tried to make in Night City. Sole survivor of a mission to track down a rogue AI. Now on the run with a Nomad pack, Tribes of Gear.

Current Location
Unknown, with Tribe of Gear
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