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The Shadow Syndicate

Masters of Crime and Subtlety

The Shadow Syndicate is a global faction on the planet Cynos. It is the largest crime organization that has ever existed, with agents and hidden bases located all over the world. It is said that there are no limits to its reach or influence, and that nothing happens on Cynos without the Syndicate learning of it.   Knowledge of the Syndicate's existence is more-or-less commonplace, however the details of its activities or presence in any given region would be utterly shrouded in rumour and conjecture. The Syndicate has adopted something of a bogeyman's reputation; the Syndicate might be omnipresent or merely a myth depending upon whom you ask.   Its numerous black market operations notwithstanding, the Shadow Syndicate is not primarily a business for hire; it has its own motives and will always operate in its own interest. However, for the right price, it can be contracted by non-members to perform a variety of illicit tasks. Anyone daring enough to approach them with a request can know two things for certain: the job will be expensive, and the job will be completed.

How to Join

There is no way for interested parties to approach the Syndicate and request membership. Instead, an aspiring agent must earn the attention of Syndicate scouters by displaying competent acts of stealth and subterfuge. If the Syndicate finds an individual promising, they will continue to observe and eventually approach them with an offer of membership.


A far cry from the amateur thieves' guilds and crime organizations that can be found in most major cities, the Syndicate is as structured and well-run as it is discreet. There is a definitive pecking order within the Syndicate, and every member knows their place in the hierarchy. Though there is usually little love between Syndicate agents, most do adhere to the internal authority system, if only to avoid the harsh repercussions of insubordination. Suffice to say, no one is ever merely expelled from the Syndicate.   While some Syndicate agents may be content to settle into a lowly but profitable position, most strive to climb higher through the ranks where greater wealth and influence await. Typically, this is done when a superior agent is killed and needs to be replaced.   The chain of command can, in theory, be followed all the way up to the very top, where one individual sits in power. With such a vast web of agents, informants and assassins under their command, this individual could reasonably considered the most powerful person in the world.

Public Agenda

Though the Syndicate's agenda can hardly be considered "public", its goal is clear and focused: to accumulate power. However, the entire organization is built upon the premise that power comes in many different forms. Sometimes a show of martial force is appropriate, but more often it is guile and subtlety that lead to results. The Syndicate knows when to act and when to wait, when to bribe and when to intimidate, and when to flee and when to fight, but most importantly, it knows to watch and listen at all times. When used properly, information is the most potent tool in the Universe.


In the public's eye, the Goldscale Banking Company and the I.G.C. are largely considered to be the world's wealthiest organizations. In truth, however, the Shadow Syndicate rivals them both. Centuries of cunning subterfuge, not to mention the operation of black markets, has allowed the Syndicate to accumulate an unfathomable amount of wealth, which is kept stored in countless hidden locations. Only the highest-ranking Syndicate agents in the world have access to the master ledgers that detail the guild's combined assets, and odds are, even they are incomplete. Any agent deemed worthy of serving the Syndicate will have access to weapons, money, equipment, and connections based upon their worth to the guild, as detailed below. An agent earns worth by bringing in goods for the Syndicate, be they coin, treasures, information or results.


The Shadow Syndicate's origins remain a mystery to this day. It may have begun as a regional organization and grown over time, but more likely it began as an amalgamation of several crime groups that joined their resources. Some speculate that there may be some sinister, supernatural power behind the inception of the Syndicate, and that some devil or demon is pulling the strings behind the whole organization. Since most Syndicate agents don't even know the identities of the highest-ranking members, there are some who theorize that the leader of the faction may themselves be some kind of Hellish or Abyssal spawn.

Power Comes in Many Forms

Shadow Syndicate

Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate

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