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Global Factions

Cynos's Worldwide Organizations

It is widely accepted that there is strength in numbers, and that greater influence leads to greater power. As mortals evolved and Cynos entered an age of civilization, it is no surprise that individuals and small groups would band together to unite their resources. Though regional guilds of all kinds can be found anywhere in the world, there are seven that rose to global renown on all four continents. Each serves a different purpose and is considered by most to be the ultimate authority in its field.
Espial Arcanum sigil 2.png

The Espial Arcanum

main article: The Espial Arcanum  
The Espial Arcanum, colloquially called the Mages' Guild, is an organization dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, particularly in the fields of magic and astronomy. The Espial declines to hold any political affiliation, instead devoting itself to research and the prevention of magical disaster. Aspiring students who join the guild will, among other things, gain access to increasingly vast libraries of information as they progress through the Espial's ranks.
Concord sigil3.png

The Divine Concordat

main article: The Divine Concordat  
Typically shortened to simply the Concord, the Divine Concordat is a worldwide group built around an agreement of the same name that was reached between an assembly of different religious orders. Having previously been in violent conflict with one another, these ancient holy orders realized that their feuds were causing too much collateral harm to innocent lives. Despite their theological disagreements, they joined together under the banner of the Concord to put an end to their fighting and protect Cynos as a unified force. Most holy orders found on Cynos are members of the Concord.

The Shadow Syndicate

main article: The Shadow Syndicate  
With civilization comes crime, and the Shadow Syndicate is the best in the business. The Syndicate has agents and hidden bases planted all over Cynos, from major cities to small villages and even the wilderness in between. The Syndicate is self-serving, but is known to hire out its talents for the right price. It is rumoured that nothing happens anywhere on Cynos without the Syndicate knowing about it. Those wishing to join the Syndicate must find a way to impress them; admittance is by invitation only.

The Intercontinental Guild of Commerce

main article: The Intercontinental Guild of Commerce  
The I.G.C. is the world's largest unified network of merchants, suppliers and vendors. The company originated in eastern Balthor, but shortly after sea travel became possible, they spread out to the other continents and accumulated influence. Now, citizens all over Cynos can thank IGC for their well-stocked inventories and convenient outlet locations—or, they can curse it for its manipulation of the economy and its opportunistic business practices.

The Iron Legion

main article: The Iron Legion  
There is always work for a strong arm and a brave heart, and that work usually pays. The Iron Legion is a guild that offers mercenaries and swords-for-hire to citizens who are in need of some muscle. Oftentimes this takes the form of personal or professional security, killing beasts or predators, or even bounty hunting. The Legion operates within the boundaries of the law, though, so no assassinations (or disintegrations). Joining the Legion is simple; one need only approach an outlet and register.

The Goldscale Banking Company

main article: The Goldscale Banking Company  
The golden dragon Nyzmuul changed the game of commerce itself when he founded his company, the Goldscale Bank. With magically-updated ledgers, establishments all over the world and unimaginably vast amounts of treasure, the Goldscale Bank is used by many people of Cynos, for personal and professional financing alike. Once a client has opened an account, they can store their money and items in one GBC location and retrieve it from any other.

The Society for the Performing Arts

main article: The Society for the Performing Arts  
Sometimes colloquially called the Bard's Society, the Society for the Performing Arts is a union that advocates for the fair treatment of musicians, actors and poets all across Cynos. The Society prides itself on the calibre of its performers; new applicants must audition before a panel of judges in order to gain entry. This elitist approach means that joining is no small feat, but it has gained them powerful sway with venue owners all across the planet. Most hirers know that if they rip off a Society performer, they are ripping off the Society itself, and they risk being boycotted by the entire membership. Since the Society includes most of the world's best performers, that would be a very bad choice indeed.

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