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“Never mistake law for justice. Justice is an ideal, and law is a tool.” - L.E. Modesitt
Acdona takes many forms throughout Cyrrin; A bold protector, a crushing tyrant, a fatherly judge. His forms are as numerous as the societies that worship him. His clergy is among the largest and widespread across Cyrrin, with some of the most diversity. When choosing his clergy, Acdona doesn't care to judge someone's race, social class, or gender. He chooses those who he believes can act as his hands in the world without regard to anything but the soul contained inside.  


Acadona's worshippers gather in temples throughout the week. There is no one service day dedicated to him; a follower could walk into a Temple of Adcona at any time of day, any day of the week, and be tended to by his clergy. Followers of Acdona primarily end up serving military or judiciary roles in the societies they are in. However, they are frequently corrupted from within due to the close relationship of law and justice.


The most prevalent corruption inside the clergy of Acdona is in Khayal, where slavery is legal and lawful. The clergy in Khayal, with little exception, uphold the laws of the land. This puts them the most at odds with the rest of Acdona's temples, all of whom believe a sentient creature cannot be owned and slavery is among the most heinous of crimes.


Sraebadah has the second larges physical Temple to Acdona in Cyrrin, located in the First Province of Al Jibal. The Sultan himself is said to have been a priest of Acdona before ascending to the throne. Among the most fair and peaceful of the countries, Sraebadah boasts a large and happy clergy with a low poverty rate. The Temple of Adcona is relatively calm in this area, more focused on outward charity work then internal conflict resolution.


  One of the more volatile countries, Neravians don't even pretend that their law and justice have anything to do with each other. Instead, they invented and uphold their own form of justice: Dueling. A Neravian doesn't wait for justice to be dealt for them; they prefer the hands on approach.

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