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Temple of Uion

"Equal in death, equal in life. Regardless of how many men in fancy golden crowns want to tell us otherwise." - Cora Vidane, Priest of Uion
    The Temple of Uion boasts the most uniformed organization and belief system across all of Cyrrin. The followers of Uion all gather on the same day, all read the same sermons, and go through the same training. Uion's clergy might be the closest thing to "Order" that Cyrrin can hold.   Even with how standardized they have become over the centuries, each country does still hold it's own primary beliefs around death. No two cultures think of it the same way and no two people approach it with the same eyes. The uniqueness of Uions Clergy comes not from the uniformity of their beliefs surrounding death, but the uniformity of their beliefs about people.   A Shade of Uion can comfort a dying man of any culture, any faith, and any language. A Scrimshander can tell you the story of any man, woman, or child who lived and died in Cyrrin. A Death Priest will send all sentient beings, whether they are elf, Vampire, or Goblin, to Uions halls.   The thing that stands out when people think of the Temple of Uion is their belief in acceptance. All thoughts on death are valid, for no one knows what happens once we're gone. Equality is paramount for the Temple of Uion, because in their eyes all beings are equal as all beings die. To serve Death is to serve Life, and this concept is taught to all those who follow the teachings in Scrolls of the Dead.

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