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Frequently the most misunderstood member of Uions clergy, the Scrimshanders are a branch of clergy exclusive to Sraebadah and Khayal. Death Rites  in these regions often include carving someone's life story into their skull.   Details of the persons life are gathered by The Shades while they comfort the dying person and their family, then relayed to the Scrimshander upon the person bring brought to the Temple of Uion. The process of body preparation begins, though the duties of a Scrimshander revolve solely around the head. Using a process that is known only to those within their ranks, the Scrimshander will strip the flesh from the skull. The preparation and carving process takes only 6 hours and often times a completed skull is ready to be given back to the family immediately following a cremation.  

Temple Work

  A Scrimshander rarely works for an organization other then the Temple of Uion. The very few that do not work directly with the Temple are typically those employeed by royal or noble families. The Royal family of Each Sraebadahn province has their own Scrimshander.  


  A Scrimshander begins as an acolyte in the church and handles many of the typical duties of one. They move into body and funeral preparation in their second year of clergy training and after they have completed that are given other options for advancement in the Temple. Some chose to become Shades, working with the dying and their families to bring closure. Some chose to become healers, priests, and there are even a few who move into necromancy. A Scrimshander can come from any of these paths.   The apprenticeship takes approximately six years and they are still monitored by a senior Scrimshander until they have successfully carved 100 skulls for death rites. However long that takes.

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