Terewar Settlement in D'neth | World Anvil
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The capital of Ferrin and the Seat of the Iron Empire.


Divine monarchy


Thick stone walls ring the base of each mountain with the tallest surrounding the central peak. Trebuchets top the towers at each pointed juncture on the wall while archers and Earthbreakers pepper the walkway in the event of a siege.

Industry & Trade

As the confluence of the sprawling Iron Empire, Terewar is the largest hub of trade in D'neth despite its lack of major waterways. The famous Plentiful Promenade is home to the vast market that spreads around the entire base of the central peak where merchants, artisans, and farmers come to hawk their wares. The whole southern edge is dominated by the horse market where warhorses, racing horses, and beasts of burden are bought and sold as the lifeblood of the realm.


Built on the tallest peak north of the Maw, the Iron Citadel at the heart of Terewar is surrounded by four other great hills that connect to the center with massive bridges of stone and iron


Raised by Siriun the Smith, first king of Ferrin, in 3924 BC, Terewar is a city of diverse ethnicities, architecture, and lifestyles. It was under a prolonged siege at the time of the Crafting, but it was not until 1063 AC that the city fell during the War of the Exile. In the eighteen years since then, the city has laid dormant and desecrated.


Over the centuries that Terewar has stood, it has continually expanded across the peaks in a variety of styles native to Ferrin as well as the Highlands, the Darwol, the Wolf Wood, and the Bluelight Mountains. Most of the buildings have stone bases with wood and plaster additions for the upper stories.


Beyond the peaks that characterize the bulk of Terewar, the city is surrounded by fields and grasslands with the wood-lined shores of Caerdorne Mere just visible to the southeast.

Natural Resources

As the center of trade between the vast Horse Country, the dense Lake District, and the bountiful Heatherdowns, Terewar enjoys the benefit of the spoils of all three duchies as well as the boons of the other three duchies south of the Iron Way.


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