Rotrah Hasez Character in Daeliha | World Anvil

Rotrah Hasez

My ancestors where proud to be Kit'de'thrak and I only wish to see what they were so proud of. So, yes, I'm willingly giving my life to the cause if we get to see this temple rebuild to its former glory.
— Rotrah to Raku.

Rotrah is a Wyrm who grew up with tales of powerful Dracolis with hoards that scared all Terrelis into respect. As someone who grew up in a place where Dracolis where despised, they have always wished to see the Dracolis return to their original glory, to a place where they weren't bullied for being different. And for that, they tracked down Raku and pleaded to join the Guidersar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Their red scally body was always different from the rest of the people in his hometown. The lack of of physical arms where the strangest thing on their body, as even the other Dracolis in town (except their family and them) have arms. Their green vibrant eyes tend to leave people in a soft trance while looking at them. Unlike most Wyrms, they only have one pair of horns.

Current Status
Trying to recover the lost respect towards the Dracolis by helping in the Kartkash temple.
Current Location
Vibrant green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red and light orange

Apparel & accessories

They like to cover their head, so they can cover a two starts of horns that never grew. While they rather not wear anything from their hip down, they tend to wear a short skirt when visiting non-Dracolis places. Their preference for shirts is that they have a short sleeve that cover their shoulders so that when they invoke their magical arms, they look like they are attached to the shoulders.

Mental characteristics


Rotrah lived in a town that despised Dracolis, for it, their family and them were used to be bullied and discriminated. Their mother tended to tell them bed stories about a time where Dracolis had hoards and were respected and revered by everyone.

Growing up in such a place, working in a boring job, they just feel like life was not interesting and only moved forward as a clockwork machine that has cord. But all changed when they learn of Belanor Heleris' expedition of the Kartkash temple.

Even though officially Belanor said there was nothing worth finding there, when Rotrah learned that Raku was alive and not death, as Belanor inform claimed, he knew there was something important there, something that could give power to the Dracolis.

Rotrah left everything behind in order to try find Raku. Family, job, friends, all left without a second thought. They spent months trying to find Raku, but the first one they found was Jana Kertha. First, Rotrah introduced themselves in a tavern with Jana, just making conversations to get to know each other. But after their third or so meeting, Rotrah mentioned wishing they could find the Kit'de'thrak, help them.

Few days later, Raku appeared in place of Jana Kertha in one of the meetings. They both talked and in the end, Raku accepted bringing them to the Kartkash temple. Rotrah loved the place immediately and started helping with construction before Raku told them to do anything.

After sometime, Rotrah managed to convince Raku to let them help him with stuff for the Guidersar. Since then, they slowly learned about the Guidersar organization, traditions, and works, as well as more general knowledge of the Kit'de'thrak. After a year, Raku allowed them to start trying to see if they would be a good E'gurinuluer. They proved their worth as E'gurinuluer and started working to save the books in the library that were in worse state, while also making an inventory list of them.

Nowadays, they try to stick close to Raku, to learn more ways of helping as they get bored of only copying books. They sometimes get away from their job and help with construction, as it allows them to move around, do more different things, and talk with other people.


Growing up being bullied for their species have made them grow up with a desire of making the world know how powerful the Dracolis can be. This motivation has been taken by Raku and transformed into a motivation to recover the lost knowledge that the Kit'de'thrak once had.


People are afraid of Raku or don't like him because he acts cold, but Rotrah likes him, they have Raku as someone to look up to. They enjoy spending time with him and love to see him when he opens up and stops acting all cold when they are alone (or with Jana).

Jana Kertha is a lovely person, cute, and one of the nicest people Rotrah has ever known. They originally were a bit scared that Jana would be like the Terrelis of their hometown but the fear quickly disappeared as soon as they talked with each other.


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Dec 28, 2023 23:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, I love them.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 29, 2023 09:54 by Catoblepon

And I'm sure they love you too! Unless you show any hate towards Dracolis, of course.

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