Morbus and Fatum: The Twins

Morbus and Fatum, born from the primordial void, represent a terrifying embodiment of intertwined forces: Morbus, the male twin, embodies decay, entropy, and the inevitable decline of all things. Fatum, the female twin, personifies inescapable fate, manipulation, and the cruel whims of destiny.
Morbus and Fatum share a single twisted kingdom the Tapestry of Fate 

Divine Domains


  • Decay: The relentless erosion of life, the inevitable crumbling of existence.
  • Entropy: The inescapable march towards disorder, the disintegration of all that is structured.


  • Fate: The predetermined course of events, the inescapable destiny that binds all beings.
  • Manipulation: The subtle control of circumstances, the unseen hand that shapes reality.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A labyrinth with two entrances, one adorned with blooming flowers, the other with decaying leaves
This symbol captures the contrasting paths of life, representing the inevitable decay that awaits all things, always the same fate through a labyrinth that manipulates .

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Inevitable: Accept that all things must eventually decay and that death is a natural part of the cycle of existence.
  • Respect the Dance of Fate: Acknowledge that destiny plays a role in shaping events, and that some things are beyond our control.
  • Seek Beauty in Decay: Find appreciation in the fleeting moments of beauty, even as they fade and give way to something new.
  • Embrace the Mystery: Accept that not all aspects of existence are fully comprehensible and that some things will always remain shrouded in mystery.


  • The Labyrinthine Masquerade: Held on the darkest night of the year, this masquerade honors Fatum's domain of manipulation and fate. Participants wear intricate masks and engage in games of chance and deception, reflecting the twists and turns of destiny.
  • The Festival of Ephemeral Beauty: Celebrated at the peak of spring's bloom, this festival acknowledges the fleeting nature of beauty and the inevitability of decay. It involves elaborate displays of flowers, art, and music, all intended to be enjoyed before they wither and fade.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Morbus directly opposes Veritaz's domain of healing. Where Veritas fights to mend and restore, Morbus revels in the inevitable decline of all life. Similarly, Fatum's manipulations of fate stand in stark contrast to Veritaz's visions of the future. Fatum seeks to control destiny, whereas Veritas strives to illuminate potential paths.
 This dual god is actively trying to undo and cut down all the work The Order of the Vigilant Sight do in the name of Veritaz 
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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