The Order of the Vigilant Sight

The Order of the Vigilant Sight, also known as The Church of Foresight, is the organization dedicated to the cult of Veritaz.

Divine Origins

The Order of the Vigilant Sight emerged from a time of strife and displacement, born from the compassion of those who sought to aid refugees fleeing a devastating war. As they provided refuge and sustenance, some among them experienced vivid visions, offering glimpses of impending danger and safe havens. These visions, attributed to divine intervention, led them to seek guidance from a higher power.
Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, they connected with a benevolent goddess, Veritaz, who embodied their shared values of divination, protection, and healing. This newfound faith ignited a spark of hope, inspiring them to establish the Order of the Vigilant Sight.
  The Order's mission expanded beyond caring for refugees, encompassing the protection of all who faced hardship and the healing of those in need. Their reputation grew, attracting individuals seeking spiritual solace, guidance, and protection. The Order's influence spread, establishing temples and sanctuaries throughout the eastern human realm, becoming a beacon of hope.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the defenseless.
  • Assist those who ask for your help.
  • Heal the body, the mind, and the spirit.


  • Chosen Ones (Seers): Visionaries who receive and interpret the goddess's visions, serving as advisors and guides to the Order.
  • Protectors: Warriors and defenders who safeguard the Order and its members, using their skills to shield the vulnerable from harm.
  • Mendors: Healers and caregivers who tend to the sick and wounded, employing their knowledge and compassion to restore health.

Granted Divine Powers

Chosen Ones or Seers:
These individuals possess the extraordinary ability to receive visions from the goddess Veritaz, glimpses into the future. Their visions serve as beacons of guidance, helping individuals and communities navigate challenges and make informed decisions. Unlike other divinatory arts, the seers of the church receive short and exact visions of the future with a little degree of interpretation, at the time these visions helped to avoid the capture of many refugees as well as for the creation of the church itself currently, there are very few who receive these visions and they have to do mostly with the prevention of accidents and natural disasters.
The healers of Veritaz, are conduits of the goddess's healing touch. They possess the power to mend physical wounds, soothe emotional turmoil, and restore balance to the body and spirit. Their healing abilities rely on the use of natural elements, such as plants and animals, or even their own life force. In severe cases, they may collaborate with clerics who specialize in healing, but their own connection to the goddess often grants them greater resilience against the draining effects of healing.
These individuals, often referred to as Sentinels, serve as guardians and protectors, ensuring the safety of those under their care. They are not merely warriors but also skilled scouts and guides, navigating treacherous terrains and shielding their charges from harm, whether it be from harsh elements, hostile forces, or even unseen dangers. Their unwavering dedication to protecting the vulnerable is a testament to their unwavering faith in the goddess Veritaz.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Curch of Foresight
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
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