North Storm Physical / Metaphysical Law in Daimon | World Anvil

North Storm

The location known as Ice Island is a rectangular prism of ice that almost all the time is afflicted by huge snow and lightning storms covering the island.


The snowstorm is composed of white snowflakes but, if carefully studied, shaped as regular geometrical figures: squares, rectangles, circles, or hexagons instead of common snowflakes.

Moreover, the lighting storm looks like a pattern instead of random strikes, the lighting spreads in the ice floor making five or six-star shapes, without damaging the floor.
They need snow and lightning to thrive. The elementals can control some aspects of both storms, they shape the snowflakes and have some control over where the lightning strikes.


These strange storms are localized only in the Ice Island or in the Plane of ice

Snowstorm statistics

Precipitation 150cm
Temperature -24°C to -18°C
Wind Speed 8 Km/h
Time from 1h to 4h

lightning storm statistics

Quantity 10 - 15 lightnings
Time 30 minutes
Energy 2.4 Giga calories each lightning
Movement Straight line or circle
Frequency 2 times at day

The lightning storm don't produce thunder
Almost all statistics are fixed because these storms are controlled to some extent by the elementals living on the island
Metaphysical, Elemental


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