Open House

The open house celebration is an extension to the Feast of Veritaz and The Order of the Vigilant Sight a cherished tradition in the Eastern Kingdom, is a day of celebration, unity, and renewal. It is a time for followers of Veritaz to gather, share stories, and seek solace in the goddess's presence. 
The Eastern Kingdom embraces this rite as part of the culture, making it an annual celebration: As the church Feast, other organizations, guilds, sector cities, or towns make their celebration; at first, welcoming anyone in need, this became a liability; then evolves into a festivity between people with something in common.


A Welcoming Embrace:
The Feast begins with a grand feast, where tables overflow with bountiful food and drink. The Church of Veritaz ensures no one is left hungry or thirsty, reflecting the goddess's boundless compassion. The Open Hand festivity makes this too.
Open Ears and Helping Hands:
After the feast, followers gather in small groups, sharing their burdens and seeking guidance from the Church's members. These conversations are filled with empathy and understanding, as followers offer support and encouragement to one another. This part of the ritual differs according to the region, the organization, or the situation: In the villages, it is normal for people to gather to talk and get to know each other, in the case of an organization, it is a time to amend quarrels and plan new business practices; on the other hand, in family situations, they usually confess secrets or ask for help.
Healing and Renewal:
The Feast also serves as a time for healing and renewal. The Church's healers tend to the sick and injured, while others offer spiritual guidance and emotional support. The goddess's presence is felt throughout the celebration, bringing comfort and healing to all who attend. This is not part of the Open House celebration.
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Aug 20, 2024 00:44 by Deleyna Marr

What a beautiful and hopeful tradition!

Aug 23, 2024 10:30

Thanks!! I really Think this could be an excelent tradition in real life !

Aug 23, 2024 10:30

Thanks!! I really Think this could be an excelent tradition in real life !