The frozen backbone

Behind the mountain range, at the north of the continent, through the rift in the Kaletar mountain: Elemental Rift, is a vast frozen tundra.


This is a vast plain tundra, at the south and west is fortified by a great mountain range, The Bones, as the Giants name it; at the north and east they have sea, with a lot of fish, sharks, whales, mermaids, tritons and some other more dangerous species.    This plain has only two advantage: protection and an amazing night views, with Northern Lights, a lot of star, the two moons and other celestial bodies.


In this tundra the main predator was a wolf, this species is intelligent beyond a normal animal an has a complex society.   Even the large Ice worms, don't enter the wolves territory.   This change with the arrival of the Giants, but nevertheless they try to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.   A large, buffalo type or ancestor,  is the main food supply of this races, now the giants breed and maintain this animals.   The few plants that grow in this site are: Pines, some type of bush with poisonous spines and large mushrooms that are impervious to ice. The "Gork", buffalo ancestor, feed of this mushrooms and chews ice for water.

Ecosystem Cycles

This site have only one season: Winter.  Is cold all the time and the temperature is almost always the same.   At the end of the year, the wolves have a type of matting ritual and a coming to age ceremony, Wolfs Hunt  those who passes can have a mate, this is for males and females; the ritual consist in a hunt, can be solo or in a group, in some rare cases a pair of male and female hunts together to earn the right of matting.    The Ice worms have a period of hibernation, at first seams that is random but Beldug Collur a nature giant scholar, discover that the cycle of matting and hibernation of the worms is, somehow, linked to the blood moon, the red one.   The mushrooms in this place, are the weirdest of all species, sometimes is like they have some kind of consciousness, when the spread their spores to reproduce, is normal that currents or other animals spread them, but in this case every time that this occurs they form patterns even if they are transported miles away from the origin they growth forming at least 5 different patterns: Perfect square or circle; spiral, disc or a lightning.

Localized Phenomena

The most amazing natural phenomena are the norther lights: shafts or curtains of colored light visible on occasion in the night sky, aurora in common tongue, is the name the Giants give to this phenomenon cause the "golden glow"

Natural Resources

Ice a lot of ice.   The mountains are rich in materials, gems and metals. One in particular is the center of a major Giant settlement, cause the thermic resources: geysers, thermal water and lava.   The sea at north have a lot of species, and the Giant settlement there have some commerce with tritons and a community of mermaids.  Sea weed is a common resource to craft clothes and other stuff.   All communities have at least a farm of "Gork" a kind of buffalo ancestor that serves as a food resource: Milk and Meat.  They use the fat and skin to make some products.


This region was inhabited by humanoids but with The two four war; the giants retreat to this place, now the only site they kind lives.    They have 3 major settlements: One in the most norther part, at the cost, they create a fishing industry to feed all other settlements; other near the Kaletar mountain: Elemental Rift, as a guarding post if some day the magic in the rift end and other in the west, inside of a pair of great mountains and in the top; mining, craft, invention their main activities.
Alternative Name(s)
The last giant settlement
Related Tradition (Primary)


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