The Sentinels of Light

The Sentinels of Light are an elite order of warriors within the Church of Veritaz , dedicated to the unwavering defense of the innocent and the eradication of darkness.
Originally formed as protectors of refugees fleeing the ravages of war, they have evolved into an elite force. Their unwavering faith in the goddess and exceptional combat prowess make them formidable guardians of the Church's values. However, their mission extends beyond mere defense; they are also tasked with spreading the Church's message of truth, compassion, and hope beyond the borders of the Eastern Kingdom.
Their mastery of martial arts and profound faith in the goddess Veritas make them formidable forces against evil.
Although the sentinels have changed over time, one of their main missions continues to be to take care, protect, and take to safe haven those who need it: be they refugees, politically persecuted and, above all, believers of Veritaz.



150 Elite
25 currently in training


  • Silent Weapons: Poisoned (paralyzing) daggers and needles, silenced blowguns, and small and compact crossbows.
  • Camouflage Equipment: Face and body paint, camouflage divine magical clothing, camouflage nets, and sound suppression magic.
  • Climbing Gear: Ropes, hooks, lockpicks, and devices for opening locks.
  • Night Vision magic items: For operating in complete darkness.


Daggers, blowguns, crossbows, bo stick and tonfa
They only kill in extreme circumstances.


  • Infiltration and Sabotage: The Sentinels could be sent to infiltrate enemy fortresses, sabotage supply lines, or rescue high-value prisoners.
  • Reconnaissance: They can gather intelligence on enemies, map territories, or identify strategic targets.
  • Selective Assassinations: In high-risk missions, Sentinels could be assigned to eliminate specific targets silently and efficiently. (very rare occasions)
  • Night Operations: Given their focus on stealth, they are more efficient under the cover of night, taking advantage of the darkness to carry out their missions.


  • Masters of Disguise: They are experts at blending into their surroundings, using natural camouflage techniques and specialized equipment to vanish from sight and sound.
  • Silent Assassins: Their training includes proficiency in silent weapons like daggers, blowguns, and crossbows. They also train in tools like ropes, hooks, and lockpicks to infiltrate secure locations.
  • Fluid and Silent Movements: The martial arts they practice emphasize agility, balance, and the ability to move without making a sound. 
  • Melee Combat: They are also trained in defensive combat martial arts and other weapons such as bo stick or tonfa
  • Acute Perception: Sentinels should possess highly developed senses, allowing them to detect impending danger, hear sounds from great distances, and perceive the slightest movement.
  • Non-verbal Communication: To operate in secrecy, the Sentinels develop a system of non-verbal communication, with hand signals, coded whistles, or facial gestures, used depending on the situation. 

Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 12, 2024 18:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I like how they began by protecting war refugees.

Aug 13, 2024 08:59
