The Threshold of Creation

In the central plaza of Exor, the Minotaur capital, stands an enigma shrouded in shadows. A perfect circle, carved from a block of black onyx, defies the laws of perspective. With a diameter of three meters, the structure seems to absorb the daylight, turning it into a dark beacon in the heart of the city. The Sun Seeds, unable to destroy this ancestral relic, have adopted it as a symbol of their sun god, transforming darkness into a representation of divine light.


Towering over the city of Exor , this monolithic structure of black onyx stands as an enigma wrapped in mystery.
Its origins predate even the ancient elves, and scholars have been baffled by its purpose for millennia. While many dismiss it as a mere sculpture, the elven magi recognized the black onyx as a component of immense magical potential used to create the most powerful magical objects yet their attempts to unlock its secrets were fruitless.
When the Minos decide to build their capital city around the object, undeterred by its imperviousness to destruction, even by divine magic, the Sun seeds. Church adapted the structure, making it a colossal symbol of their solar deity, transforming the city's central plaza into a sacred space centered around this ancient artifact.

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Hidden within the heart of the onyx monolith lies a chilling truth. This ancient artifact is not merely a relic but a prison, a cosmic cage designed to contain a long-forgotten race consumed by a thirst for domination and destruction. In a war waged in an era shrouded by time, this powerful race was vanquished and sealed away within a pocket dimension, trapped within the heart of the onyx. Today, no one knows the conflict and the prison remains undisturbed, a silent sentinel guarding against a cataclysmic awakening.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
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