Cnoic Corcra Settlement in Dall Gilc | World Anvil

Cnoic Corcra

Fairly large town due to it's location it has become a trading center since it lies in the middle of three different kingdoms.   Current Head of the town has the patron deity to be Aaneibal God of War.   The towns name comes from the flowers that bloom during two seasons that turns them different shades of purple. Other than it's a major trading hub their major export is the dye from these flowers which is highly sought after from the nobels in the area. Due to this textiles are also part of their main trade source.   Due to traders the town is not dominated by one particular race though the majority is dwarves and humans.   Purple is a big color in this town. Because of the dwarves the town makes lots of beer and even that has a tinge of purple to it from either a) the brewers using the flowers in creating the brew or b) the wood from the casks are also purple and bleed into the drinks.   The town was founded by dwarves and for many centuries was lead by one and the patron diety being the god of booze. However in recent history the human family Sunrage have come into power and have been holding onto the town for 5 generations. They are the ones responsible for replacing the Booze God patron with that of the Wargod.   The place originally got it's purple flowers and woods from the blood of the slain God of Blooms. When it was alive it was one of the many siblings that aided the Goddess of Nature in cultivating the land. It was a giant beast that was as big as a mountain. During the war of the gods it was slain and it's blood tainted the land it died on, turning the field purple and sprouting up trees. The Goddess of Nature was there and was able to absorb their powers before it was taken by another of her siblings. Mourning the loss of her sibling she made a shrine to the fallen god in the woods that sprung up from it's blood. The shrine isn't heavily visited, but people who do venture into it either come back with stories of horror or of great boons. (Possibly most of the woods are purple but the trees near the shrine are all white because they were made from the bones of the god and they are a clue that you're near the shrine?)
Large town
Location under

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