
Evangelism is the official state religion of the CSA, and is essentially only worshipped by that nation.

Divine Origins

Evangelism evolved from early 21st century American evangelism into the massively oppressive religion it is today.   Most of its teachings are directly taken from the Christian Bible, which has been around for several milennia, but cherry picked to provide justification for systemic racism, xenophobia, homophobia, classism, ableism, science denial, elitism, and misogyny.

Cosmological Views

The Evangelist Hell is an eternally burning pit of fire, for those who have commited a sin in life.   Heaven, meanwhile, is the place where Christians who were virtous thrive.


All people must attend church every 7 days or face potential accusations of blasphemy or heresy, often both.   The President of the country is worshipped as God's spokesperson on Damaria, and is to be unquestioned, being the perfect mind and will of Jesus Christ.


Pastors of Evangelism are always white men of some wealth who run a single church of the faith. They get all of the money donated to the church for themselves, and get tax breaks from the goverment for their faith.   They are also allowed to do anything they wish, as their will is the Lord's will to Evangelists.

Granted Divine Powers

No Evangelist pastor may use magic or have a Qurik, as all supernatural powers are from Satan in Evangelist lore. Those with magic and discovered are executed or sent to Disobedience for heresy.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Evangelism has become the state religion of the CSA (And only there), and has become the guidebook for laws in the nation.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations