The Christian States of America

The CSA is the corrupted descendant of the United States of America born after all of its left wing people stayed behind in Menrva.


The President of the CSA is elected every 4 years, and may repeat terms as many times as he can win elections. He runs with a Vice President who can either advise him (For wiser presidents) or act as a yes man.


The USA is very biased towards itself being the most advanced people of the world, and are culturally xenophobic, misogynistic, and homophobic.   One's station in America is based on their birth sex and ethnicity, as well as family wealth. Rich white males have the best chance to become a higher up in the government, while a poor white male may not even get the chance to be employed.   Females are even worse off, all being forced to marry men and produce as many children as they wish. Other races are often enslaved by the wealthy to work for nothing.

Public Agenda

Henry Tudor, the current President, is heavily focused on making his nation greater than their neighbors, Menrva, while making sure to interact with the Darke Council frequently.

Demography and Population

America is 100% human, all non-humans being legally classified as wild animals and hunted down. The only exceptions are Menrvan delegations, which have diplomatic immunity.


The CSA has the state religion of Eveangelism, an extremely backwards corruption of Christianity. Its virtues are isolationism, xenophobia, racism (All ethinicities are inferior to Europeans and will serve them in Heaven), and homophobia (All LGBT people ummasked are tortured publiclly), and elitism. The President of America is the leader of the religion and worshipped as a spokesperson for Jesus.

Foreign Relations

All of America's diplomatic relations are terrible, its best relations being an icy cold reception to Menrva.   Henry Tudor is the first president in many decades to regularly welcome Menrvan delegations, when trade agreements are made.

Agriculture & Industry

America is effectivley an agricaultural power, but make very little with it terribly swampy land. Most people hunt in swamps and forests, and most animals have learned to either flee or be hyperaggressive to humans as a result. Other species and Muta Qurik are normally treated normally, but non Muta Qurik humans are attacked or fled from on sight.

Trade & Transport

America is all but dependent on Menrva for everything, and should those trade routes be lost, America would have no actual ability to feed or fuel its army.


The Church of America funds all education, and says what and what not to teach. Teachers who don't teach the Church approved curriculum risk lynching. This education is heavily biased around America, its predeccessor European powers, and Evangelism, as well as denying all modern science.

Divine Origins

Evangelism is based off of a corrupted version of Christianity with noticeable roots as far back as the 1980s CE, and rising in powers by the 2020s. After 2124, the religion totally took over after all American people who weren't part of it stayed behind in Menrva.   After this it was able to develop without hindering, as it became similar to Olmis in Menrvan Polytheism.   Evangelists actually often move to Menrva City in huge droves every 6 years by the engcouragement of the President to spread the religion... Which never happens. Within a generation or two, almost 95% of Evangelist children convert, often to Menrvan Polytheism.


Every week on Sunday, the people of America go to churches to worship the religion. This also happens every Sunol, The Signs interpreted as divine exhortation to worship.

Granted Divine Powers

All magic is seen as satanic, and none are allowed of holy men.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The President is the de jure head of the Church of America. They have total control over the religion as a result.

In The Lord We Trust

Founding Date
766 AR/1776 CE
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The CSA, CSA, CS, The States, The Enslaved Christians, The False Christians, The Holiest People Of Lord Jesus Christ, The Idiot Nation
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
New Washington DC (Capital)
The CS Dollar (CSD). Often extremely inflated and fluctuates wildly, but normally worth 0.00005 Toka (100,000 CSD to 5 Toka).
Major Imports
Almost everything in America has come from Menrva, due to its terrible land and Henry Tudor's constant diplomatic relations.
Legislative Body
The Senate and House of Representatives. Both rarely do much beyond make laws to ban any company that has views opposite those of Henry.
Judicial Body
The Supreme Court is rarely called on but does judge cases.
Executive Body
The police of America are often better armed than Extractors, but terribly trained and often kill more criminals than arrest them.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Non-Aggression Pact, Trade

Non-Aggression Pact

Both nations hate each other with a passion, with even worse diplomatic relations than Menrva and the CSA have, which is already frosty on the best of days.   They only have a non-aggression pact as it was part of the Menr-American War's peace treaty.

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