Kolari (ko-LARR-ree)

Basic Information


Kolarii, like all native Damarian species, have 3 pairs of limbs, which in kolarii are a pair each of arms, wings, and legs.   They also have a long flexible tail, and also like all species native to Damarian, their bodies have twinned skeletons: An aluminum alloy exoskeleton just under their skin and subcutenaeous fat, and a more Earthlike endoskeleton. Their skull is mostly aluminum alloy with only limited bone, as well as tooth plate partially comprised of high carbon steel

Genetics and Reproduction

Kolari, like all Iskandarids, lay eggs into meat. Females will lay about 27-40 eggs, with 32 being typical, every 3 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kolari larvae are the largest larvae of any Iskandarid, as is the rest of the species. At upwars of 30 feet long, they regularly eat copius amount of plant material and live animals. They're very docile creatures, although when threatened, they'll emit an odor and cover their bodies in a hypertoxic chemical only kolari can survive. They also have the most legs of any Iskandarid, with a whopping 288 legs.   If cared for by iscan morph adults, they pupate and emerge as young iscan kolari, fully sapient and mostly developed, able to walk and eat solid food hours after emergence.   Should they not be cared for, by having sessile forms or palina morphs for parents, they become palina morphs, which actually have two forms, depending on gender:   Females are shark-like creatures, with a pair of fins, stiff wings usable (But inefficient) for flight, and arms, as well as the tail fins, used for flight in iscan morphs, being enlarged and used for swimming. They're actually sapient and will mate with iscan morphs, whcih is actually reasonably common. Despite never being cared for, they have the instincts needed for social habits, although they're perfectly fine with being alone, although they often live in packs. They're fully carnivours and use abmush predation, and can breathe air and water.   Male palina morphs, on the other hand, while sapient, are far smaller than palina morph females and even iscan morph adults, albiet being larger than any other iskandarid adult morph, being the size of Earth ring necked pheasants at full size. They're strictly terrestrial birdlike creatures who also live in social groups, although they eat mostly plants and smaller creatures.   All 3 forms of adult can freel mate with each other, and male palinas have proportionatley massive phalluses to make it work. Female palinas have some issue with mating on land, but many can do it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kolarii are obligate carnivores, but can supplement their diets with plant matter, often fruit or grains. Their diet needs have been compared to a bear's.


Most kolarii are catlike in behavior, especially socially: Many like social situations but can often be alone for decades with minimal mental health risk.   Almost all kolarii young have a natural chase drive, which is especially obvious with red laser pointers: Many kolarii parents will use them to play with young.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most kolarii live in a small family unit comprising of a mated pair and any offspring, as well as elderly kolarii under the mates' care. Many kolarii, owever, can get along just fine without any contact with their species, or any sophont species really, after sub-adulthood

Facial characteristics

Kolarii eyes are arranged in pairs around the front of the face, with one pair where a human's are, a pair above those, and two going to the side just before the ears.

Average Intelligence

Sapient, often outpace humans in learning speed and creative problem solving.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyesight of kolarii, which extends into the ultraviolet and infrared closest to visible light for humans, exceed almost all Earth animals, and competes with raptor species. Their hearing is on par with a cat's, and their smell is sufficient to track as a wolf or domextic dog could.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Almost all kolarii, except those from Uwe'Rana and Menrva, give their children their father's last name. However, Menrva and Uwe'Rana use the mother's last name as respect.   Most kolarii use a wide variety of naming traditions, but a popular one is naming them after natural features, like geographical features, weather, living organisms, and other such examples.

Beauty Ideals

Shiny detailing is extremely popular amongst all kolarii, as are major contrasts and symmetry.

Gender Ideals

Males are seen as the household's head in most nations, excluding Menrva and Uwe-Rana cultures, whos see females in that role. Not matter the roles, males are always expected to be more pragmatic, while females perform household duties. A third gender, referred to as third aspect, and often associated with the nonbinary spectrum of humans, take on a traditional role of an artistic side, and are often required to marry both a male and female.

Courtship Ideals

Males are expected to initiate a relationship, and if a third spirit is added, the nonbinary must appeal to the male first.

Relationship Ideals

A male in most cultures are always dominant, while females are subservient, and third spirits are equal to females much of the time.
Scientific Name
Kolaris Sapiens
Iapetian, Tachanmyulan, Steppe Strider, Marovian, Ridgite, Hillander
~120 years
Average Height
1.9 m to 2.5 m
Average Weight
40 kg (Smaller Subadult Female)-130 kg (Larger Adult Male)
Average Physique
Most subadult kolarii, who are usually of legal age by 15 years old, are lanky and sometimes seem stick thin. Most adults have a more bulkier build, especially for females after having a few offspring.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most kolarii have human skin tones but have any color of hair and wing membrane color. Most also have blue or purple eyes, although red eyes are well-documented, just rare.
Geographic Distribution