
Damaria is a planet made of two halves, both roughly the same size yet both are nearly opposite of each other.   Twice the size of Earth, Damaria has two major halves separated at the prime meridian. One half is almost all land, with large inland seas and rivers, while the other is a massive ocean with small continents and islands, none larger than Australia. From one side, Damarian is a lush and varied land of many ecosystems, and on the other, it is an almost perfectly blue orb, inlaid with beautiful green islands.


Damaria's innermost land is usually steppe-like, except around the Ridge, a mountainous area where the planet's ring system's debris often winds up. The Ridge is surrounded by the Hillands, a rough and dry hill region around it that leads into the Endless Expanse.   The Ridge actually extends through the sea, leading to a series of equatorial islands and mountains.   Large Land Reefs, formed from massive Tower Trees, whose concrete-like bark merges with other Tower Trees who come into contact and form a larger, stronger tree. These trees willingly form a massive tower similar to a large mountain or plateau that allows refuge for small animals. A single Land Reef takes milennia to fully form, and becomes inhabited by a range of animals well before its full formation.


Damaria was actually a hybrid of a zombie planet (A planet destroyed by a supernova and then remade again) and a rogue planet destroyed and ejected from its old star's system when it went supernova. It had drifted into the system after about 2 billion years of traveling, when the system was young, but Kena, Sera, and Mula were full adult stars. When it came to the system, it caught Gilduana and Nekron, which were a former planet/moon pair, and managed to successfully incorporate them as its own moons.


Many people enjoy traveling to Damaria's varied wild places, especially its land reefs. Many also visit human society and Menrvan peoples.
Alternative Name(s)
Earth's Opposite, Refugia Of Humanity, Humankind's New Home, Damarian, Thirdstone, The Planet of Twinned Halves
Inhabiting Species