The Overseer

The Overseer

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Overseer, when making eye contact with a mortal, gives that mortal a great existential dread, due to their sheer omniscience.

Facial Features

Their face is emotionless, and even their strongest emotions aren't apparent to mortals.

Special abilities

They are omniscient and omnipotent within the multiverse.

Apparel & Accessories

They usually wear a practical lab coat and a pair of khaki slacks, along with leather loafers.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

The Overseer almost always manifests as a 21 year old human female, although they have no true gender to themselves. They say they're simply nonbinary, although this is merely so humans don't annoy them about it.


The Overseer says they're aromantic asexual, and don't care about sex or romance, unless they can watch mortals do it.


Their education level is far beyond a mortal's comprehension


They oversee the maintenance of the omniverse

Accomplishments & Achievements

Their best achievement in their dimension is creating the multiverse, which they still maintain, with help from the other Devs.

Intellectual Characteristics

They have pure omniscience over the entire multiverse, although they say this is essentially just being able to find any knowledge they need at any time.

Morality & Philosophy

The Overseer has no moral standing, instead simply having mortals make their own philosophies.   They seem cold and uncaring, although they are ultimately interested in ensuring life is maintained throughout the multiverse.


The do not let mortals know if there is alien life or not, and does not let any know anything more advanced than their civilization's most current scientific knowledge. They also forbid the other Devs from telling anything about other alien life, although such things as whether there is an afterlife or not (There is), things that could be known from forensics, and so on are okay.

Personality Characteristics


They like to keep living organisms around for watching and research.


Hobbies & Pets

All Drakon Class Devs were hatched and raised by them as pets, and they enjoy it.   They also love watching mortals live their lives, which is the reason they keep the omniverse running even after the original reason they made was an impossibly long time ago for mortals.

Wealth & Financial state

They have the entirety of the omniverse to mess with.

"No, I'm not God"

The Overseer, in the presence of monotheistic humans, has been mistaken for the humans' god. They have made it clear they are not that deity, and don't care who they worship or do about it.
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Overseer
They/Them/It/The Overseer
Long, Straight, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.8 m (5'11")
63.5 kg(140 lb)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"All you know and far more is already known to me" "I have no care for morals or any one mortal life" "The only purpose of life is to make your own story, good or bad" "No, I am not God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ Allah, Yahweh, or whatever omnipotent, omniscient, omni-et cetera you idiots are worshipping this week" "Really? You're in the presence of the strongest being in the omniverse, and you want proof? Meh, whatever"
Known Languages
Ruled Locations