Eleni Vallakis Character in Dankar | World Anvil
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Eleni Vallakis

Eleni Vallakis is an inquisitive engineer with a vivid imagination. She is not one to plan meticulously (if at all) and often makes decisions on the go.

Physical Description

Body Features

Eleni has a prosthetic limb on her lower left arm, which she has customised and upgraded since then.

Special abilities

Eleni is an Elf, meaning she has enhanced hearing. She has Mechano, which is the power to manipulate technology. She can manipulate small machines and their inner workings, by creating a mental link and picturing the parts in her mind.

Specialized Equipment

Eleni is never to be found without her trusted tools; something always needs fixing or updating. Her favourite tools are a double-sided wrench, and a hammer. Occasionally, she will pull out a blueprint, if she needs to design a new part for a broken object. Although she can fix many things with her powers alone, she still uses her tools as an aid.   Apart from her tools, Eleni also carries a quarterstaff with electric parts on the ends. She uses this to stun her anyone that comes to steal from her shop.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When she was younger, Eleni's restrictive mother raised her and didn't allow her to do much, and deliberately raised her with ignorance of the world. Eleni grew up with a lot of curiosity for the outside world, but often got herself hurt when exploring. Her mother didn't care much about her needs, so she gave Eleni a prosthetic limb after an accident. The prosthetic limb didn't help Eleni much, so she was left to upgrade it herself.   When she became an adult, Eleni's mother no longer wanted responsibility for her, so Eleni left her family home. She opened a small shop and started selling mechanical toys to other children, as a way to experience the childhood she was denied.

Personality Characteristics


Even though she enjoys engineering and mechanics, Eleni craves an adventure and wants to try new hobbies. This can be difficult to do in Veloras, as life is focused on working in the technological and engineering sectors.  


When she is at the Sculpting Fair, she finds some ancient technology hidden away. Eleni decides to take it and explore it some more, but her main goal is to find out who hid the technology.


Although she doesn't realise this yet, Eleni is a Convoy and hears ancient beings in the wind or when she's surrounded by trees. She also sees them in her sleep, but often wishes she couldn't.   She used to be a shopkeeper, selling mechanical toys to children and teenagers. However, she left it when she started getting chased by adventurers and government officials who wanted the ancient technology.  


Uncle Diogo

Eleni loves her uncle Santiago Vallakis a lot, as he supported her whenever her mother would insult her. She is also loves his weird antics and enjoys hearing his stories.  

Solomon Duskarow

Initially, Eleni disliked Solomon, as he talked down to her and often called her a kid. However, they soon developed a brother-sister relationship and often bickered over the smallest of things. Eventually, they became closer as she learned more about Solomon's past and begins to trust him more, but they still bicker a lot.  


Eleni has almost no relationship with her mother, after she was kicked out of the house at 18. Before this, Eleni was emotionally abused by her, and felt she had no voice or even a life in her house. Even though her mother wanted no responsibility for her daughter, she still aimed to control her when they met many years later.
Long blue hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skin
Known Languages
  • Known Basic
  • Veloran

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