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"While the Elves are too shy to sing, it's us Torsten who sing freely."
— Marina Fentada, Kostral architect
  The Torsten are a humanoid species that live in the mountains of the Known World. Like many humanoids, they have some Sentinel ancestry, giving them the power to wield Arcanis.   Torsten are well-known for their architecture, which can be seen all over Kostral. But they are also known for their love of music and singing. In fact, music is used in family bonding events, and as a way to show trust and respect.


Torsten live in the White Forest, the northwest of the Known World. Most do not live in cities, preferring to live in villages in the forest. However, younger members of the community tend to move to the cities in search of a better life.   A large majority of Torsten live in Kostral, often considered a safe haven for Torsten. However, a small community also lived in Aspait until both countries started warring.


Torsten have rock-like skin which can withstand the elements and attacks. Their hard skin also means they register less pain than the average humanoid. A Torsten's skin colour also matches their rocky environment and can be black, white or shades of grey. Because of their skin, Torsten were often called the derogatory term Stonekin in the past. Although some have reclaimed the word, many haven't and still consider it offensive.   As they grow, facial markings will also grow over Torsten faces and become more defined. The growtth of facial markings is a source of pride among Torsten because they show a child's growth into adulthood. If a Torsten has darker skin, their facial markings will be light, and if they have lighter skin, facial markings will be dark.

Sensory Abilities


Torsten have heightened hearing and can echolocate since they used to live in mountain caverns. They can echolocate at higher frequencies, which many species cannot hear at. This is advantageous to Torsten when they need to do sneak attacks or hunt at night.  


Like other humanoids, Torsten can also wield Arcanis. Most Torsten have Terra (Earth), but some people have Cryo (Ice) or Hydro (Water). They also have Teleportation, one power that did not come from the Sentinels.
170 years
Geographic Distribution


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