United Government Organization in Dankar | World Anvil
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United Government

The United Government (UG) is a union of all the countries of the Known World. All the governments have a seat at the table, and discuss new policies and the effects on their respective countries. It mainly functions as a trade union, but is more widely known as a cultural alliance between countries. Some critics see the UG as a "supergovernment", where the individual needs of countries are ignored in favour of shared community and collaboration.   The UG used to command respect and awe across the Known World, and even some parts of the New World. However, after a series of controversies and accusations of manipulation and corruption, its influence fell as more countries turned inwards. Further controversy ensued when countries of the New World felt that the UG was imposing its way of life onto them, and promoting ignorance of other parts of Dankar.


The United Goverment values collaboration and societal gains over individuality. This is most evident in Veloras, where everyone works towards advancing technology, like small cogs in a machine. Because so much importance was placed on collective responsibility, people used to feel proud to be working towards something greater, which in turn, helped countries, and the UG, grow.

Public Agenda

The United Government seeks to ensure the safety of civilians in all the lands of the Known World.
— UG pledge
  Protection often has different meanings depending on the country and the citizens inside it. Most of the UG aim to have free trade agreements, while ensuring they are favourable deals, but for most people, that's where the protection stops.

Controversy & Chaos

According to documents leaked ten years ago, there was a meeting to discuss the Sentinels and the discoveries that had been made. One of the main points of the meeting was whether to release this information to the public. Although there wasn't much knowledge on the Sentinels, most countries were against releasing the info, as they saw it as a tool to manipulate their citizens. This angered representatives of the few countries that voted for this motion, and leaked the info to the press.   At first, not many people payed attention to it. They were used to the games of the United Government and most leaks turned out to be false. Afterwards, these "rogue" countries broadcast an message to the Known World. They announced that the United Government had prevented the public from learning about Dankar's history. As expected, this angered the public and people rioted, leaving their old lives to go exploring.   The ensuing riots forced the UG to rework their pledges and announce that they were working on a larger project, inviting people to go and learn about Dankar and add their knowledge to a collective database for public use.
Alliance, Economic


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