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Sentinels were giant humanoid beings who used to roam the lands of Dankar. They were deeply spiritual beings who were in tune with the world's energy. Although they are not gods, some cultures treat the Sentinels like gods and have altars to worship them.

The Final Sentinels

There are only five Sentinels, but most scholars and people think there may have been a lot more. The five were the last Sentinels to walk the planet and were called the Final Sentinels.
  The known Sentinels are Sentinel Eliyas, Sentinel Nadja , Sentinel Tristan , Sentinel Skylar and Sentinel Mostafa.


From the locations of some of the ruins, it's thought that the Sentinels lived all over Dankar. However, their current location has not yet been determined. Some people think the Sentinels went extinct, while others think they moved to the spiritual realms.


The Sentinels had a wide range of supernatural powers, which then got passed down through their descendents. In general, the Sentinels' powers correspond to five broad categories: Elements, Natura, Construct, Psyche and Kinesia.
  It is common knowledge that the Sentinels could hold multiple powers and distribute their soul's energy between them all. However, scholars think that each Sentinel may have had one power, according to some depictions of them in art and writing. Their question, however, is why the last Sentinels had multiple powers.


Most humanoid species alive today are the descendents of the Sentinels and the other species who coexisted with them. They are mainly hybrid, being half-Sentinel and either half-human, half-elf or half-fey. The Sentinels used to have a lot more descendents but they, along with their powers, disappeared a while ago.


When the Sentinels disappeared, they left behind their way of life. Most of the information about them comes from the large ruins across Dankar, and a few pieces of artwork by both the Sentinels and the other humanoid species that lived with them. There are also some documents written in their language that have been discovered, but very few people can read them accurately.   All these pieces of information led to a worldwide initiative to allow the public to learn as much about the Sentinels as possible. Now, there are a lot of ordinary people who have gone out explore the world and learn.
Genetic Descendants


Not much is known about the Sentinels, so many myths and legends have taken the place of knowledge. These legends mostly come from artwork and some ruins that have been discovered across the world.   The largest legend is that the Sentinels whisper to anyone who has their mind open and is willing to hear their message. This has a bit of truth to it, because some people do get their messages, but often aren't willing to hear them.  

The Lost Sentinel

Some academics have suggested there was a sixth Sentinel who was part of the Final Sentinels. Many depictions have seen them surrounded by books and the arcane, so it it thought they had the powers of Knowledge. However, no-one has those powers in present day, giving credence to the theory that the Sentinels were actually manifestations of the spiritual world. The theory suggests that if a Sentinel dies, their powers will disappear from all the species who have them and will be released into the world.


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