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Coricoan Saber

A common type of sword used in Corico and surrounding kingdoms were known for its unique D-guard Hilt

Manufacturing process

the sword's blade is forged out simply like any other single-edged blade. The creation of the guard however can lead to wide variation. Some mass-produced models have a "drifted full tang" construction where the guard is formed from the same steel as the blade with it stretched out to make a hole and grip. Done right, this makes for a robust combination of sword and guard. Done poorly can result in too thin a guard, making it useless, and painful vibrations into the hand.    Others have the blade and guard as separate items forged or caste separate from the blade. This allows for changing the handle and guard to fit current styles.


Originating from simple singled-edged short swords, the addition of a D-hand guard started in the northern regions of Corico to add both defensive and offensive capabilities. Legend has it that a nobleman got tired of his fingers getting hit during training and requested the guard be altered to add protection. After the addition, he also found that the guard also allowed for a more Brawler fighting style as the new guard also functioned as a knuckle duster when punching. As the fashion caught on and fighting styles came to incorporate the guard, the guards altered to better function as knuckles, becoming rather stout and edged, even sharped in cases.


The sword style has become a symbol of Coricoan wealth, as the guard requires more metal than a simpler one. It also never caught on in the Dragon caste and as such marks one as a warrior independent of that caste.   Became one of the symbols of Coricoan culture when the Royal Sword of Corico, a sword enchanted to only be drawable of one worthy of ruling Corico, was altered in 350 BL.  Previously fitted with an s-guard, the style was thought to be too as the sword of Aradanin, who they had recently declared war. The S-guard was removed and replaced with a Sharpened bronze D-guard in the shape of an Eagle and wings.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
a Fairly common sword type in its area of origin.
25-40 in; averaging 30 inch over all
Raw materials & Components
A Corcoran saber can be as plain or decorated as any other sword. Typically made of steel blade, Brass or bronze guard and with wooden scales on the handles.
The tools required to make a Coricoan Saber are the same as for any arms blacksmith: hammers, Forge, tongs, ect. Sometimes, chisels and drifts might be used in the creation and decoration of the guard.

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