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The Main kingdom in my Fantasy setting. Nothing seems to be set here, but everything traces back to Corico.


Corico for the majority of its history functioned on a Caste system based on the Job of ones family and named after an Animal: Artisans are Ox, Traders are Horse Caste, Warriors are Dragon Caste, Sailors are Dolphin, ect. Nobility is sometimes reffered to as "Lion Caste" but mostly by forginors who don't understand how the socioty works.   Being from more then one caste makes one "Casteless" and somewhat of an outcaste as one is seen to be useless to society.


Corico is located in an area once inhabited by one of the Elven Kingdoms and as such has access to a vast amount of magical technology that it does not totally understand and often has no idea how to use safely. This being understood, it also means it is a hot bed for magical research and study. In particular, the presence of an abnormal amount of ancient "Bathrum" or "Pedistals", Magical Foci the size of buildings, has led to it being the prime location for a Magi or Sorcoror who wishes to try a spell that would cause a normal foci to explode. As such, No one was suprised when a School for magical studies laid it's foundation outside the City of Golid.   Corico's second major assest is the Jazin Mountains, the location of the largest deposit of Old Jazin currently known. It pressence along with the collage of Magic means that every most nobel houses in Corico has their own Excalibur like sword.


The Dragon Caste takes the form of a standing army and maintains battle readiness to the best of its ability. Each clan specialize in there own type of soldier. Most focus on heavy infantry but others train as Marines, Light calvery, Commandos, shock troops and others.   Many in the Horse Caste often practice to be horse Archers but are not really expected to participate as a whole   The Nobility are supposed to train in case of war to be Heavy Calvery but lean heavily on the Draogn Caste


Corico is the seat of the largest Sect of Jovinism with the center being the Island Citidel where the Main Archives and the Paladorium are located

Agriculture & Industry

Corico is the largest producer of Jazin on the East coast of Darci. The industry is heavily scrutinized to make sure no one kingdom is allowed to have Jazin Products, especially weapons. As a rule, Jazin is only exported to Aradanin in small quantities, less then 50lb a year, given it is suspected that there are still a significant number of Jazin smiths still in the Kingdom.   Corico's second most lucritive indestry is Education and Magic, being the location of the Grand Collage. While at face value, this might not be directly seen as an indestry, Corico does what it can to keep the brightest in country and properly emploied (and taxed).   Lastly, it cannot be forgotten that the southern region of Corico is the Home of some World Famous Aler Berry Vineyards.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Corico Coinage comes in three forms: Coins, Daps (somtimes called "knuckles") and Talents(commonly called "Fingers"). In smaller comunites, Snapps, or sections of bone, are often used to keep track of IOUs.   Coins are as one might expect, a disk roughly the size of a modarn American Nickle. Coins come in Brass and silver. Coins have a profile of a crown on one side and three peaks symbolizing the Jazin Moutains, on the other.   Daps, or knuckles, are tetrahidrons (a shape made from nothing by equlateral triangles) made from silver and somtimes gold. Each of the four face bares an image (A crown, a dragon, the head of a horse and the bust of a bull) representing the four "main castes".   Talents, or fingers, are small bars or ingots. Some are made of silver but most are gold, or even Jazin, given these are used mostly for larger transactions. Talents are marked on each end with the same stamps used on coins, to verify that they are certified purity and from the mint. Gold Talents are sometimes split in half for various reasons but as long as one mark is still intact, most will take the half as weight. Jazin Talents, being jazin, cannot be cut and are thus always accepted at a fixed worth.
Legislative Body
The Nobel houses/Caste
Judicial Body
Most Towns funtion under some form of fudeal lord who passes judgement on cases. For minor cases, or in villages to small for a pressnent lord, a man belived to be of just mind is chosen as "Reeve" and acts as both police and judge.
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

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