
The Dysvollean North

A region in the northern parts of Dysvoll. It groups together the three nations of Estratoft, Bredtkiping and Hanalund. The reason for this is because the have a very intertwined past, both when it comes to their origin, but also the amount of conflicts between the three. The region has an impossible long list of millitary conflicts and it's extremely hard to see where one war begins and where another ends.  
Compositions Bredtkiping, Estratoft and Hanalund
Sometimes counted Elken
The region has very different weather, all dependent on the time of the year. The winters are cold and snowy, but not so cold so that the ocean freezes over completely. It's still possible to sail to and from the area, which is all-important when it comes to trading.
  In summer, it only gets so warm so that one could walk around with long sleeves instead of a thick coat. The people of the region still swim in the ocean nonetheless. But if you took someone from further down in Dysvoll, they would simply refuse to bathe because the water was way too chilly. The peak temperatures during the summer are generally 22 Celsius degrees and in winter the lowest temperature is around -10 Celsius degrees.  
Oh no, certainly not! We are not a part of the northern folks.   They're not quite as brave or strong as we are.
— Citizen of Elken
Kanden is a territory in the northern parts of Dysvoll. The map was drawn by Dhelian, a very talented user here on World Anvil.


  • Kanden
    Kanden is a territory in the northern parts of Dysvoll. The map was drawn by Dhelian, a very talented user here on World Anvil.
Alternative Name(s)
Northern Dysvoll
Location under
Related Professions
All credit for the map artwork goes to Dhelian, an amazing user here on World Anvil. (I'm allowed to use the map, don't worry :D)

Articles under Kanden

Cover image: by Ninne124


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