Denuria Ethnicity in Darta | World Anvil
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These people lived hidden below Orebo for a long time, but met their end when king Edon wanted them gone from the catacombs. Having lived there for generations and the catacombs being their sacred place, they refused. Edon's workers came down and tried to force them to leave, but still, they stayed and tried to defend their home. But to no avail, the king's resources severely outmatched their own, and they then met their demise.

Naming Traditions

Family names

First comes the personal name, and then a name to show belonging. Personal names are short, usually one or two syllables. The second name is either a family name or an occupation.


Major language groups and dialects

Because of their seclusion, the denurians do not speak the current "version" of common. They can understand the modern version of the language, but many words may sound different or have a shift in meaning.

Culture and cultural heritage

(glow in the dark)

Art & Architecture

A lot of their art and architecture are made as tributes to the gods they presume live under ground, just like them. There are a lot of round edges and circulating forms, paired with intricate patterns.

Common Myths and Legends

When the gods disappeared from the surface some believed that they went underground, either to return to their birthing place or to go dormant. The denurians wanted to follow the gods, so they dug themselves a home under towns, so that they could scavenge for food if their plans did not go right.


Gender Ideals

Gender is not very set in stone or divided among denurians. Most of them present very unisex/androgynous look.

Relationship Ideals

Relations among denurians are very tight. You are very close as a family, and friends and lovers are also as close as family. You all live close together.
You shouldn't show negative feelings towards the people close to you.
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