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Panzerhund (PAN-zehr HOOND)

For centuries, the German Shepherd stood proud as a loyal, fierce, protective breed of dog loved the world over. They were kept as shepherd dogs in fields, as guard dogs for estates, and as lovable personal companions. Their distinctive brown and black coats of fur were instantly recognisable, as was their loud bark and fluffy wagging tail.
Until the bombs dropped. In an instant, a massive portion of the native German Shepherd population was decimated, whether it be directly from the blast itself, the heat immediately following, or the horrible effects of radiation poisioning. Almost overnight, 50% of Germany's shepherd dog population disappeared, alongside millions upon millions of the humans who loved them so. The world was plunged into the darkness of war, but life persisted despite it.
This is where the miraculous story of the Panzerhund began. As it was wont to do, the gamma rays emitted from the nuclear blasts entered the cells of the dogs, altering their genetic makeup greatly. Over the course of decades, any new German Shepherd dogs born started to show signs of drastic physiological change, like hardened skin, extra rows of teeth, extreme size, great strength, and imperviousness to small arms fire. A new species was born, and in the turbulent postwar wasteland, the new dogs were given a new name: Panzerhunde. Armoured dogs.
In the age of the Soldatenreich, Panzerhunde are used as beasts of burden and war dogs. They range from the normal size of a German Shepherd dog (24-26 inches) to many times this at their largest. The smaller Panzerhunde are often personal companions for many soldiers, living and sleeping with them in their barracks. These are taken good care of by the Kasernenführer (barracks leader), who feeds them, grooms them, and exercises them. The largest Panzerhunde are used to lug heavy equipment around like guns and ammunition, and oftentimes they join their smaller brethren on the battlefield.

Basic Information


The Panzerhund is physiologically nearly identical to the typical German Shepherd dog.

Biological Traits

German Shepherds are balanced and muscular dogs. They appear poised, confident, and always ready to work. This breed has a large, deep-chested, slightly elongated body with smooth curves (rather than an angular outline), and a firm overall structure.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

The average Panzerhunde reaches maturity within a year.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for the species is a temperate climate with both a rainy and dry season.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Panzerhunde eats almost exclusively meat.

Biological Cycle

Panzerhunde shed quite often, getting rid of fur layers they no longer need during summer.


The Panzerhund's temperament is intelligent, loyal and energetic. Reserved but friendly. Generally enjoy the company of their family and can struggle with separation anxiety. Panzerhunde are very aggressive and their protective instinct means they can be hesitant when first meeting strangers.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Beasts of burden and fighting animals.

Facial characteristics

The German Shepherd has erect, medium-size ears that are carried upright. Their eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, and very dark in color. This breed has a strong upper and lower jaw and a scissor bite—where the incisors of the upper jaw overlap those of the lower jaw.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Panzerhunde are found all throughout what was formerly known as Germany.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Improved hearing and eyesight.
Scientific Name
Canis fortis armis
10-12 years
Conservation Status
The species is not under protection.
Average Height
24-16 inches at the shoulder
Average Weight
60 lbs.
Average Length
Slightly elongated.
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
German Shepherds are generally a combination of black and tan, though more or less black may be seen. There is also a gray variant, where the tip of the hair is black, and the rest is tan. A black mask and saddle are common traits in this breed.

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