A Heralding of Doom

A prophecy, a deception, told by The Source long ago to a ranking member of The Order.   "Hear me, grandchildren of Light and Dark. The ones you so revere and depend upon for safety, are a grave threat to the life you hold so dear. To fuel the powers you regard with awe, must be drained from the essence of your very creators, whom are already taxed with ensuring the world stays in balance.
A few here or there may note seem a threat, but you have seen the result when one of the creators grows weak have you not? Calamity and death occurs until the balance is restored. Imagine, what would happen if too many of such 'blessed' of your kind exist at once? I can tell you...for I have seen it happen many a time."   "The wind will cease blowing, the air becoming stagnant and putrid. Rain fails to fall, rivers and lakes will dry up. Mountains crumble, plants die and so do the animals that depend upon them. Lastly, the heat of the world will cool, plunging the world into a frozen death."   "If you wish to prevent this, listen carefully. The so-called 'blessed' ones must not be allowed to live. Worry not about those already learned of their powers, for things are already in motion to cull their numbers, though some innocent casualties may result. Afterward, it will be up to you.
"For the so-called 'blessed', it is best to kill them when they are still young and before they learn to control their powers. Inspect every youngling that has Awakened for the sign, you should know them. For the experienced that still live, they should be weakened, but still take care to end them and release their stolen essence back to the creators.
"As for the 'touched', you may believe we can leave them be, but chances we must not take. They must be gathered and brought to me: I will ensure they will not be a threat to the world."   "The mundane will protest, even fight back in their own ways, but do not falter in this duty. They will understand, in due time, that his is for the best for everyone."


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