Akesa Glut

Also referred to as simply 'the glut', this is a condition where a Daulka's Akesa doesn't stop gaining elemental essense at the point it should, which can result in eventual burn out or, in the most extreme cases, death.  


While all akesa glow just before and shortly after ending activation, those afflicted with the first stage of this condition may notice this glow lingering longer than it should. As time passes and the condition worsens, this glow lasts longer and longer until it never stops. This is when the affected start feeling the physical affects of the condition, which varies by the element the akesa holds. Earth based ones will start to feel heavier, while those with fire start feeling like they are hot, and so on. At this point, one of two things can happen.
First, the akesa simply ceases being able to gather anymore essence, afflicted noticing they can no longer summon their Kosec. While this can be debilitating for breeds that rely on their kosec for travel, it is a much more preferable result than the second 'option'.
With the second, the akesa's regenerative abilities go haywire and start to spread throughout the body like a cancer, collecting more and more essence as it grows. If the victim lives long enough, the amount of essence reaches a critical point and the victim literally transforms into that element, with various levels of destructive results.
Earth marked turn into stone or dirt, while Air marked disappear as they are blown away. Water marked melt into water, causing a small flood, while Fire marked...explode.  


At present, unknown, though many feel it is punishment from the The Four for some slight.  


Any Daulka can get the glut, but those of higher elemental 'teir' are more likely to be affected and suffer the worse outcome, due to their naturally higher rate of essence absorption.  


There is no cure for the glut. The most anyone affected can do is to slow their akesa's collection of essence by limiting exposure to said element. This, however, doing this ranges from extremely difficult to pretty much impossible for obvious reasons.  

Societal Effects

This condition is usually fairly uncommon, but there are tales told of a plague of the glut that hit the continent a long time ago. Many Daulka perished and many more had to live with burnt out akesa. On top of that, virtually all of the higher elemental 'tier' Daulka died, which left the door wide open for The Order to spread misinformation about the cause of the plague and start exerting control over everyone.


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