Blaze Back

A genus of small to medium sized reptiles that are known for their ability to 'set their backs on fire', hence their name.   All species of this genus have four load bearing legs, a pair of leathery wings upon their backs, long, lizard-like tail and avian styled head. Front feet are avian in style, but the rear are more reptilian. Essentially, think of a griffin, but instead of a mix of eagle and lion...try eagle/bat/iguana. They have Akesa in line with their spines, which is what enables them to put on their firey display.   Most species of Blaze Backs are predators, but a few species are more omnivorous and supplement their diets with fruit and seeds. They are almost always nocturnal, but have been witnessed to get into dawn/dusk 'feuds' with resident Arcers. Both species have the tendency to raid the nests of the other for food.   The fire they produce varies in temperature (and color) depending on the species, but all of them are capable of burning those that dare get too close. This fire is primarily used to ward off threats, during mating season it is also utilized by the males to attract females.   While the Blaze Backs themselves are immune to fire, their nests, unfortunately are not: it is not uncommon for chicks to accidently set their nests on fire. For this reason, most species build their nests near a source of water and are smart enough to use said water to put out the fire. Thankfully, for the parents, these 'fire setting' incidents usually only happen when the chicks are nearly old enough to leave, so the potential loss of the nest is not so great a deal.
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