Daulka Breeds

The Daulka species has four main breeds, with each breed having two sub-breeds.  


Gar are one of the largest of the breeds, standing around four feet in height, with broad shoulders and medium builds on average. Their kosec manifest as long clawed hands. One of only two breeds with true feathers, their feathers consisting of mainly filoplumes and long downy feathers on their heads and tail tips. Males of this breed are also the only breed that may have feathery beards.  

General traits and Habitat

Gar prefer wide open spaces and dislike being high up and so are typically found making their homes in various plains and deserts. Sometimes they will stay in temperate forests, but only in areas were the tree stands are thinnest.  

Sub-Breed details

Hues of tan/brown, with some mottling of the same. Reds, yellows and oranges are common accent colors.   Population
The majority of their people live in or around the Shifting Sands. However, due to high male to female ratio, it is not uncommon for the occasional male to leave to try his luck finding a mate among the plains gar.   Known Cultures
The Sand Walkers
Fog Raiders  
Mix of greens and browns with broad stripped patterning. Blues and yellows are their usual accent colors, though reds and oranges are sometimes seen due to crossbreeding with desert gar, especially in communities that are close to the Shifting Sands.   Population
The bulk of their population can be found upon any open plain, participating in both farming and semi-nomadic herding communities.   Known Cultures


The smallest of the breeds in both height and build, they only stand around three feet tall on average and are slender in build with smaller ears. Their tails, in proportion to the rest of their body, is the longest compared to other breeds and flatter in shape vertically. Their kosec appear as large flippers to aid them while swimming in the water. Kel have the least amount scales on their body, only having small ones on their hands and feet. Some individuals may have short quills on their heads and tails. Toe claws are sharper to help grip slippery surfaces.  

General traits and Habitat

All Kel prefer to be around water, whether it's a constant source like a swamp or river, or a place with frequent rainfall. They will avoid any place where water is sparse and will only travel to such areas as a last resort. That said, they also tend to have a strong curiosity drive, which can drive individuals to places they normally wouldn't go.  

Sub-Breed details

These Kel have a wide color palette with dark leaning desaturated greens, blues, and blacks, with darker spots/mottling along their backs and a lighter counter shading on their chest and abdomen.   Population
Swamp kel are usually found in swamps, marshlands and mangrove-like forests, though smaller populations have popped up in other areas with sufficient bodies of water.   Known Cultures
Cord Bearers  
They share the same color range as their swamp kin, but their desaturation leans more toward the lighter shades and their spots/mottling is a lot fainter compared to their primary skin color.   Population
This sub-breed is not that old compared to others, so they have a bit of overlap with their swamp kin in that in addition to living along coastlines and rivers, they also prefer the marshlands and mangrove-like forests to make their homes in.   Known Cultures
The Inkers
The Phinsus Kin  


Sif match the Gar in terms of height, but their build is much leaner and lightly built. Their kosec are feathered wings, which enable them to fly. They have the most feathers of the breeds, with filoplumes and downy feathers covering the top of their heads, chests, and upper back, with stiff rudder-like feathers on their tail tip. Toe claws are very sharp, with the dew claws being especially so.  

General traits and Habitat

Sif love high places, and so are most often found in mountains and forests where the trees are tall. Due to their ability to fly, it's not uncommon for members to be struck with a bit of wanderlust.  

Sub-Breed details

Skin tones is mid-brown or grey, with a paler shade on their fronts. Their feather color range are Dark reds, browns and oranges with some desaturation, with accent colors the same but saturated and can include both white and black and shades of grey. Patterning on the feathers can be scaled or barred.   Population
Highland sif make their homes in Boral forests and on the cliffsides of the Spine Mountains. Due to the isolating nature of their habitat, Highland Sir are more prone to wanderlust.   Known Cultures
Cloud Watchers
Weaver Wing*
The Thrums  
Light to pale green or grey skin tones, but with no paler shade on their fronts like their Highland kin.  In addition, their feathers are very brightly colored and capable of being almost any color, including white and black. Pattern colors tend to be highly contrasting (think tropical birds like Macaws) and are usually scaled or tipped.   Population
Lowland Sif can be found in any forest with large, tall trees in the temperate and tropical range. Especially if the forest has Bridge Trees in abundance.   Known Cultures
Tree Weavers  


The second smallest breed, standing roughly three and a half feet when standing up straight. They are the heaviest built breed and are long in the arm and short in the leg, which results in them usually moving around more like that of a gorilla. Tuks are also the most heavily scaled, said scales covering their heads, chests, shoulders and back. Their kosec are a pair of heavy arms with claws designed for digging and climbing. They have the shortest tails and the largest ears.  

General traits and Habitat

Tuk hate open spaces and many have trouble tolerating bright sunlight due to preference of living underground in either caves or burrows they dug themselves.  

Sub-Breed Details

A solid grey color, with their scales being a darker shade.   Population
Rock Tuks live almost exclusively within the Spine Mountains. Due to their low tolerance of sunlight, they are rarely seen outside their caves during the day.   Known Cultures
The Dark Hand  
Skin tones are in the brown range of hues, with their fronts being a slightly lighter shade. Scales, like the Rocks, are a darker shade of their skin color.   Population
Found in the mountain foothills and plains, they are not as intolerant of sunlight and are often found living along side plains Gar.   Known Cultures
Earth Tenders


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