Shadow Guard

The shadow guard a group of specially selected Daulka tasked with guarding the deepest chambers of the Order's headquarters.   Shadow Guard can be of any breed, but Gar and Tuk's appear to be the more favored breeds, at least for the more visiable stations. All members are obedient to a fault and do as they are told without question nor word. They rarely speak and if they do it's only in one or two word sentences. These two behaviors lead many to believe that they lack any will of their own...and they wouldn't be far from the truth.   All members of the Shadow Guard are, in fact, under the direct control of the mysterous Source. How it does so, is not entirely clear, but a weak will is certainly a component. The Source leads them aroudn as puppets, to guard it's chambers and the chambers holding the Contracts of Sanction and other important documents. In addition, it uses them to keep watch over the Order itself, to ensure they do not stray from their agreed upon goal. Thankfully, the Shadow Guard only appear to be under the Source's full control whiel they are in the shadow, limiting their usefullness to at night or within the tunnel networks of the underground.   Due to the possession, members are fearless in combat. They do not react to pain and keep fighting despite the injuries they've recieved. Only the decapitation of the head, massive injury or attacks by fire stops them in their tracks. Whether or not the true owner of the body feels this pain is unknown....


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