The Elemental Siphons

Among Daulka, especially among members of the Order, it is believed those capable of directly manipulating the elements are signs of ill omen and impending calamity. The Order itself claims these individuals drain the elemental essence of The Four themselves, thus blame them for the occasional Element Surge, which in turn are the source of many natural disasters. It is also claimed that, in the past, such 'cursed' individuals abused their abilities. Tales spun of them terrorizing normal Daulka and forcing them to submit to their rule.   Under the Order's insistence, many Grands submit to an inspection by agents from the organization to examine every newly Awakened Daulka youth each year. The youths eyes are scrutinized and that are deemed touched are forced to join their ranks. Those that bare stronger signs of elemental influence (blessed and chosen), are killed outright.  

The Truth

While there is a grain of truth in that those 'touched' by the Four do 'drain' more essence, it is a gift the Four give willingly and do so to enact change in world, a correction in the balance, or to ensure the Daulka have a increased means of protecting themselves from outside forces. In regards to the first, whether or not such change is a good one is down to the individual, for the Four would not interfere with free will.
One thing can be said, the Order's overt suppression of these individual may lead to a greater catastrophe than what they believe they are preventing....


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