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Gyles Phalley


Gyles Phalley

The young Gyles went to study under a seasoned wizard named Donovan Willian, the young pupil arrived at the destination, mental state mixed between anxious and expecting. Uncertain what he might experience, if he would be alright and if his parents would still accept and recognise him when he returned.   Over the years the young became older and he found a taste for the power. He also found impatience and a hunger for more. The young wizard learned a lot over the years, he might have been destined for joining the Council of the Eight Tipped Star as a established honored member. His hunger and patience became his downfall.   During a session of arcane exploration and discovery, his mentor and he discovered a powerful artifact. At first the mentor locked it away, but with a lot of trading with higher powers, and signing contracts the young Gyles Phalley gained access to the artifact. He was to become master of the undead and eventually become one himself. Gyles stoles the artifact and ran for the outback, escaping the wrath of his mentor.   Over the years the mentor hired/guided/prepared/lead many a heroes and adventurers to reclaim the artifact, but to no avail. Gyles had already become a power upon himself and he commanded his undead to lay siege and destroy the mentor's home town of Friedence, the current adventurer's tried their best but eventually all the citizens had fallen and turned into undeads under the command of Gyles. The land became a wasteland, dead to everyone and a zone of undeads.   The other powers tried to overcome the undeads and sent plenty of divine clerics and paladins to rout out the evil and undead. Unfortunately the undeads and Gyles had become too <dug in, settled, entrenched> to make a real difference. Instead the powers that be decided to wall them in and with powerful magics make sure the undeads couldn't leave the area. Permanent gems of Undead turning and destruction was established along the walls, magic of fireball, fire and radiant energy damaging spells were placed where needed or the undead proved especially difficult. Now the entire land of undead are encircled by a great wall and Gyles Phalley and his undead roam exclusively.   New roads had to be made, which added another week to the travel time. Despite the powerful magics of the The long trail system and its destructive energy towards everything standing too close, eventually they had to redo the line as to bypass the area.

Mental characteristics


Gyles Phalley started out as a Wizard (Necromancer), and through the contracts and dealings he started a career of Warlock (Fiend). Through the artifact discovered, a staff of Necromantic properties, the eventually became a full blown Vampire (Arcane).

Accomplishments & Achievements

Destruction of Friedence and raising of an Undead legion in the same county.

Mental Trauma

Through the staff and dealings with his Master, a fiend, and eventually becoming a vampire, his mental is in shambles and has gone utterly insane with a glimpse of brilliance to him.
Current Location
819 843 24 years old

Gyles Phalley

Wizard (Necromancy) / Warlock (Fiend) 8 / 8 Class & Level
Noble Background
Human Race
Chaotic Evil Alignment

Strength 11
Dexterity 10
constitution 13
intelligence 17
wisdom 9
charisma 18
Total Hit Dice 8
Hit Die 1d6+1
4 proficiency bonus
10 Passive perception
4 Strength
4 Dexterity
5 Constitution
7 Intelligence
3 Wisdom
8 Charisma
saving throws
0 Acrobatics
0 Animal Handling
7 Arcana
0 Athletics
0 Deception
7 History
7 Insight
8 Intimidation
7 Investigation
0 Medicine
0 Nature
0 Perception
0 Performance
8 Persuasion
0 Religion
0 Sleight of Hands
0 Stealth
0 Survival

Hit Points
30 ft




Personality Traits



These stats are prior to him turning vampire. During the transition his physical attributes would increase significantly.
Features & Traits


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