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King Thranduil Starshaper: Guardian of Elven Tradition

© DoStuffZ


In the heart of Sylvanelore, where the ancient trees whisper tales of elven lineage, King Thranduil Starshaper stands as the embodiment of high-elven heritage. A conservative ruler, he clings fiercely to the purity of his lineage, with a belief in the sanctity of high-elven traditions that runs marrow-deep.   Thranduil's journey to the throne was paved with the echoes of ambition and the crackling of broken allegiances. A ruler who didn't ascend without breaking a few eggs (or legs), he is unapologetically ruthless when circumstances demand it. The changing tides of the world, however, have cast shadows upon his reign, and as the air thins at the top of the mountain, clarity of thought becomes an elusive companion.   As the world evolves around him, Thranduil senses the encroaching end of his era, and he resents it deeply. Having lingered at the pinnacle for so long, the prospect of descending from the summit feels like an existential challenge. The thin air at the top, where decisions carry weight and consequences echo, sometimes clouds his judgment, leading him to navigate the currents of change with increasing difficulty.   In contemplating his legacy, Thranduil faces a crucial decision between his offspring. His son, a reflection of himself, exudes a streak of power that borders on corruption, and a mean-spirited nature that leans towards darkness. The daughter, however, possesses a discerning mind, an empathetic soul, and a nuanced understanding of diplomatic intricacies. It is she who he envisions as the torchbearer of his legacy, navigating the delicate dance of statesmanship with a grace that eludes even the most seasoned diplomats.   As Sylvanelore stands at the crossroads of tradition and transformation, King Thranduil Starshaper grapples with the weight of his lineage, the changing world, and the legacy he seeks to leave behind. The fate of Sylvanelore, a city steeped in elven harmony, teeters on the decisions of a ruler torn between the echoes of the past and the whispers of an uncertain future.


King Eldrion Starwhisper: Sage Sovereign of Elandrial Glade

King (Important)

Towards King Thranduil Starshaper: Guardian of Elven Tradition



King Thranduil Starshaper: Guardian of Elven Tradition

Vassel (Vital)

Towards King Eldrion Starwhisper: Sage Sovereign of Elandrial Glade



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