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The Wood Elves: A Down-to-Earth Connection with Nature

© DoStuffZ
Wood Elves stand in stark contrast to their High Elven counterparts. They are a practical, down-to-earth people who harmonize with nature in a way that respects its essence. Their cities are an embodiment of their rooted connection to the natural world, where they only bend nature when there's no other choice. Wood Elves hold the belief that nature should be allowed to flourish, and they coexist with it in perfect harmony.   Functional Craftsmanship with Simplicity   Craftsmanship among the Wood Elves serves a clear purpose and is devoid of excessive artistry for the sake of aesthetics. Their creations may be exquisite, but they retain a sense of simplicity. A bowl is a bowl to them, and there's no need to transform it into something it's not. Function and practicality guide their artistic endeavours, making their items both beautiful and purposeful.   Cities Merged with Nature   Wood Elven cities blend seamlessly into the natural landscape, making them nearly indistinguishable from their surroundings. This integration with nature contrasts with the High Elves, whose opulent cities stand out as grand marvels. The differing societal norms create a certain tension between the two Elven races. High Elves often view Wood Elves as unsophisticated and in need of guidance, while Wood Elves see High Elves as pompous and overdressed.   Diplomacy and Interactions   Wood Elves are content to let the High Elves take the lead in diplomatic matters, as long as they don't have to engage with humans. Dwarves, being creatures of the earth, are more acceptable to Wood Elves. They share a common ground in their use of stone for functional purposes. Wood Elves find Halflings endearing, appreciating their joy, music, and love of food, but their short lifespans create a disconnect with the Wood Elves' centuries of existence. After gatherings with the more exuberant races, Wood Elves often retreat to the serene quiet of their forests.   The Art of Stealth and Precision   Wood Elves possess an unmatched skill in stealth and precision. Place a High Elf soldier beside a Wood Elf soldier, and the Wood Elf will criticize the High Elf for being loud and standing out with extravagant colours. A Wood Elf can practically vanish from sight at will, leaving you with two arrows in your eye sockets without any clue of where they came from.   Archery: Speed and Precision   In archery contests, a High Elf may take minutes to set up elaborate displays, showing off a magnificent bow, and taking time to create a perfect shot. In contrast, a Wood Elf will calmly approach the firing line, fire an arrow, split the High Elf's arrow with precision, then fire a second arrow and split their own, just to demonstrate their expertise.   Opulence in Simplicity   When both Wood Elves and High Elves attend diplomatic or noble meetings, it's a lesson in contrasting opulence. Wood Elves will subtly outshine the High Elves with flowing dresses and magical effects, utilizing the colours of the forest accented with gold, silver, and earthy blues and oranges. Wood Elves can excel in opulent displays and diplomatic finesse, they simply choose not to, prioritizing a grounded existence in harmony with nature.   In diplomatic discussions with Wood Elves, it's essential to present a compelling argument and persuasion, as they must genuinely care about your cause to invest their attention and efforts.

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