A Train to Ahnk Dracas Prose in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

A Train to Ahnk Dracas

Tethrys dreamed of a train, snaking along the rolling landscape of The Craigs. As the train sped up, the tracks roe from the ground and began spiraling into the air. The train rose in the air in a long spiral, circling until it drew level with the montain top city of Ahnk Dracas. The dream zoomed in to the train's engine car, revealing the traditional dragon's head of all this world's train engines, and sitted nestled comfortably between the dragon's eyes sat a very self satisfied goose. The train pulled its way into the city, black slate roof tiles glittering in the rain, and as it disapeared in the maze of the city, Tethrys could hear the distant, grating, HONK.

This is believed to be a prophetic dream from the goose god Vanir